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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Richard Sanders Fiber Optics Extended DVD (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Vogler
I prefer the Tabary routine. More elegant. Sanders trying to be very visual, sometimes exposing more things in my opinion..
Craig Petty
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Profile of Craig Petty
As a lot of you know I’ve been posting videos recently of my 7 year old son performing magic. Partially because I am very proud of him and partly because it’s frustrating for him not being able to perform for real people at the moment and he gets a buzz reading other magicians comments.

Over the last few weeks I put up videos of him doing coin manipulation, card magic, cups and balls and sponge balls. However the fibre optics routine is something very new to him - rope magic. He’s worked on this routine for a long time.

A lot of you will know Richard Sanders Fibre Optics routine. It’s very tricky and lots of phases and when Ryland started he hadn’t done rope magic before.

I think he’s done an amazing job and wanted to share this. Let me know what you think as he reads everyone’s comments. And if you like it please subscribe to his channel. It would mean the world to him.

Thanks everyone.
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Fairhaven, MA
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Profile of SmittyWitty
Craig, tell Ryland he did a great job.
