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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Guy Hollingworth Reformation video (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

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In the Reformation you use each piece or that what it looks like when restoring it. It's so great the way he performs it, because you cannot lay the pieces on a table. Well, if you know the trick you'll understand. He puts them in his mouth and there in full view the entire time (each piece).
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Profile of Platt
So is the Lovick effect, which is sold as "The Reparation", much different from Hollingworth's?

They say in the ad that it's easier to perform and combines the best of Hollingworth's routine with Dave Regals.
Sugar Rush is here! Freakishly visual magic.
Review King
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The Lovick effect stinks! You ahve the spectator sign there name in a little border area. In a true signed-and-restored card, the signature goes across the entire face.
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the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
Micheal Leath
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On 2004-04-26 13:08, MagicChris wrote:
The Lovick effect stinks! You ahve the spectator sign there name in a little border area.

Isn't that how it is in Reformation?

Also, "there" should be spelled "their."

Sorry, I'm having flashbacks from another topic. LOL
Review King
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On 2004-04-26 13:58, Micheal Leath wrote:
On 2004-04-26 13:08, MagicChris wrote:
The Lovick effect stinks! You ahve the spectator sign there name in a little border area.

Isn't that how it is in Reformation?

Also, "there" should be spelled "their." Sorry, I'm having flashbacks from another topic. LOL

See, just the mention of Lovick made me go into a poor spell frenzy!
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
Geoff Weber
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There are some handling differences between Lovick's and Hollingworth's. The biggest difference is the third piece is not truly restored; it's a bluff. Personally I don't think this variation makes it "easier" than Hollingworth's, just less clean.
Review King
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I'll stick with David Eldridge's quarterly returns. It's the cleanest version I know.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of MacGyver
I think that the main difference between R&R and The Reformation (the only two versions I see as good) is that each piece in R&R VISUALLY melts on, where in the Reformation it is always covered.

I like the Reformation better; there are many psychological ploys in use.

I think that doing it face-up is a big difference, and also I like that you can show the card 3/4ths of the way restored before doing the last piece.

With R&R, I get the feeling from spectators that they would like to see the pieces more closely, because they know that the seconnd piece isn't really fused, I just feel that that piece especially is easily seen through.

With the Reformation, things are very logical; you only ever show four pieces, you can flash both your hands empty at multiple points in the routine, and at different points you can show the signature during the ripping and reformation phases.

Say what you will about other routines, but most piece by piece TR are based off of the Reformation, and none of the "improvements" are actually better than the original, imho.

That really says something about Guy's genious with the cards.
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Profile of MagicAces
Well said, Macgyver. His every move has a meaning, and no movement that he does is wasted. Even putting the pieces in his mouth you know every piece is being used.
M Pitcher
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I tried to learn the GH version. It takes some time to practise. The easiest to learn and work with version is for me is "Ripped and Restored" by Yves Doumergue
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I got an email and offer me the video at US$90. Any thought? Is this a good buy?
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Profile of MacGyver
It is an AMAZING buy if it is not a pirated copy.

But my guess is that whatever tape you get at that price has probably already been copied. I've heard of prices in the hundreds for the video.

Remember, only 100 were ever made.
MJ Marrs
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I would be highly suspicious of a Reformation video (original) selling for only $90.

Guy stuck by his word, even though he could have made thousands and thousands of dollars selling more than the 100 he made initially. Personally, I wouldn't feel right about buying a bootleg. Learning from the book is tedious, but it's the right thing to do.

Who knows, though, maybe this video is legit...

Good luck.
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Profile of magicmann
I am lucky enough to have the original video and believe me there is nothing out there to compete with the Reformation.
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Profile of sharpace
I heard there is a Guy Hollingworth DVD forth coming. It is too good if Reformation routine also included.
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MJ Marrs,

I hope it is not a pirated copy! As a Japanese it is not easy for me to understand and learn from the book. I must go for his video.
MJ Marrs
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Good Luck!

The Reformation is sort of like the cups and balls. It takes some skill (lots of practice) to do well, but it's so much fun to do.
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I heard Danny Garcia has a excellent version as well.
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He does. Torn is awesome, easy to learn, and my favorite so far.
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Profile of ABlair36
Reformation was rated one of the 50 greatest magic tricks of all time. That includes Sage as well so that is quite amazing.