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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Richard Sanders Fiber Optics Extended DVD (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Profile of organicmagician
From someone who didn't have the original, this is fantastic. Like others, I had not done much with rope magic, but I started working on a version of FO and it's fantastic. The sleights are actually pretty easy. Within a few days of working on it, I was able to do all of the sleights reliably and convincingly. The timing, working out a dialog and remembering all of the steps is probably the toughest part.

What a fantastic release!
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San Diego
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Profile of jonnyboy
I hate to admit that I have no patience to find easter eggs, but I don't. Can someone explain how to access the easter egg on this DVDE (which I just received and love)?
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Cleveland, OH
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Profile of yachanin
Hi jonnyboy,

On the main screen you will see "Fiber Optics - Extended" in the lower right corner. Click on it and it will take you to another screen with the "Extras" title; click on that and you'll see the "Easter Egg" link (sorry, but you'll be disappointed).

As far as the Fiber Optics Extended DVD, I believe the new moves are excellent! Richard's instruction is clear and complete, just as in his original Fiber Optics.

For those who do not own the original Fiber Optics, you've got a great deal... all the original Fiber Optics moves PLUS the additional moves on Extended. As an owner of the original Fiber Optics, a price break would have been nice with FOE, but I don't regret paying full price for the additional moves. My rope routine using the Fiber Optics moves receives the best reactions. It will now be even better.

Regards, Steve
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Profile of daviaac
Hello all

just a quick question I'm not sure can be answered but was wondering if these routines use ordinary rope or are they gimmicked in some way???

I enjoy performing a rope routine I learnt on a david stone dvd which just uses normal rope however just saw the demo for foe and was completely blown away. I may have to buy it regardless of my previous question however it would be nice if the 25feet of a bargain (elite) white magicians rope I found online would suit this dvd

thanks in anticipation

p.s. although I realise elite rope has been mentioned in this thread is there several types and I have got the wrong one?
- the secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources
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Cleveland, OH
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Profile of yachanin
Hi Daviaac,

No gimmicked ropes are used in FOE. Have a blast with your 25 feet of elite rope Smile

Regards, Steve
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Regina, Sask. Canada
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Profile of Ireland
The 10mm rope can be seen better on stage but I find the 7mm rope from Camirand is better for walk aroound and is not as bulky when depressed into the fist. I think you have to be careful about performing too many of these rope moves for spectators....more is not always entertaining....Tabary is superb but a trifle long and the Sanders extended version may go that way as well.I find Loose Ends is just a perfect length, so to speak.
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New Jersey
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Profile of Salby
What is the best rope sizes to use. Richards mentions 9/26/47 inch in his first FiberOptics DVD... What do other people use??
You know how to make God laugh?........... Tell him your plans!!!
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San Diego
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Profile of jonnyboy
A belated thank, Steve, for the Easter Egg location.

Peo Olsson
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Stockholm, Sweden
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Profile of Peo Olsson
I recived my copy of FEO this monday but havent had a chance to view it yet.
Pictured to the left my hero and me during FISM 2006 in Stockholm.
in flames
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Profile of in flames
Love the DVD, hate the annoying forced laughs that Richard keeps doing during the performance.
Review King
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Review King
Richard is is one of the most talented, funniest, clever inventors in magic today and his thinking of Fiber Optics shows that. I'm looking forward to this new offering.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
Andy the cardician
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Profile of Andy the cardician
Tempting . . .
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in flames
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Profile of in flames
On 2008-03-08 15:55, Christopher Kavanagh wrote:
Richard is is one of the most talented, funniest, clever inventors in magic today and his thinking of Fiber Optics shows that. I'm looking forward to this new offering.

Even though I said that I was annoyed by his laughs, I agree with what you said. I have yet to be disappointed with any of his releases.
Motor City
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Profile of Motor City
Received mine last week. Definitely worth the wait.
Andy the cardician
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Profile of Andy the cardician
Okay, I am sold in
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Vic Nadata
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Charlotte, NC
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Profile of Vic Nadata
This does look good. Before I order it, what in everyones opinion is the best size diameter of the rope I should get for walk-around? 7mm? And what length should I get?


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Profile of andymagic70
Just finished watching this. The only problem I have is deciding which phases NOT to do!

Really, really good. I'll be using this for sure.

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Profile of defconskylude
Can this be done with a shoe lace?
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Central Japan
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Profile of Billgussen
It's intended to do with thick magician's rope, but not every move relies on the properties of rope. I haven't seen my copy in a while, but if I remember correctly, there are some moves taught on the DVD that can be done with long shoelaces. Just don't expect all the moves to work using shoelaces.

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Profile of DrVG
Hi, I ve been performing the good old routine from Jeff Sheridan (but without the part showing the short piece), and this with shoelaces and other impromptu threads such as banana fibers straight from the tree in the jungle !

-> can these routine be operated as smoothly with a THIN rope or laces ?

-> what is your opinion on showing the small pieces ( I feel it s somehow a giveaway) ?
