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Profile of bishthemagish
Hi Werner G. Seitz as a magician and a working magician I think that the design of the stand (Close up table pitch booth) Don uses is worth the price of the tape right there.

I work fairs and festivals as a magician and they pay money for me to be there. I think this is a perfect stand for a ground attraction close up magician to do an entertaining act or a formal close up show at fairs and festivals.

And I have been thinking pitch the decks with a DVD (Self produced as a sideline)...

I may not get to this for some time because I have a full plate at the moment with hypnosis bookings. But for close up I feel that this performing stage would be a benefit and help sell bookings!

The this table pitch booth is the best I have seen so far and has been road tested for years by a pro in the business.

Then there is a whole lot of great ideas plus his pitch! And like Reed said who is making money with it. This tape IS a great value to working money making magicians!
Glenn Bishop Cardician

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Profile of imagealter
Don is the real deal. We brainstormed on some ideas for getting his knowledge out out to hungry pitchers in the past and I am so pleased that he has made it happen! Trust me..Don is the final word on the Sven Pitch. The knowledge you will gain from his insight will serve you well beyond your pitching endeavors.

Just to let you know how generous this man is. I spent a lot of time on the phone with Don hashing out ideas for bringing his "pitch" to the masses. Not only did I learn a ton through our commmunications, but he sent me a hidden treasure ( Don, you know what this is : ) as a kind gesture and one I WILL certainly treasure.

Stop reading...yes now and BUY this tape. Knowledge like this is hard to come by but please, stay away from Atlanta flea markets. Wink Smile

Don, Thank you and let's chat again someday.

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Profile of sethb
Received Don's tape the other day and was very impressed. As has been said, it isn't fancy, but contains lot of information for $20, and will give anyone a very good head start in developing a strong Svengali pitch and building a "pitch joint" to make it from.

Although the 60-minute video is pretty complete in itself, I would also suggest picking up a copy of "The Long and Short of It" by Martin Lewis. This $25 pamphlet contains a number of good Svengali sleights and interesting patter ideas. I did not think it was possible to fan or spread a Svengali deck until I read Martin's work -- very clever!

Between these two resources, any competent magician should be able to work up a fine Svengali routine that should bring in some big bucks. SETH
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"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
Tom Jorgenson
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Mr. Driver:

Got my video. I, Sir, will buy you a beer anywhere and anytime we could possibly meet! Am ordering another video for my brother. Might even get some for friends.

Can't wait for the skinny on Jams.
We dance an invisible dance to music they cannot hear.
doug brewer
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Profile of doug brewer
I got a huge kick out of watching the "squiggle" demonstration. I remember buying one of these things almost 30 years ago as just a punk kid. I felt like I was 8 years old again watching that thing. I also bought one from Don to "practice" with - okay, I'm just sitting around playing . . . I'll practice pitching later.
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Profile of Zack
Wait till you guys see Don's NEW project. He's got the real work on how to draw a crowd. And it WORKS. EVERY TIME.
Review King
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Profile of Review King
On 2005-03-29 02:46, Zack wrote:
Wait till you guys see Don's NEW project. He's got the real work on how to draw a crowd. And it WORKS. EVERY TIME.

Sign me up for this. Don is the man!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Profile of Zack
Check my post over in "sidewalk shuffle", I go into a little more detail about it.
Scott F. Guinn
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Profile of Scott F. Guinn
I, too, bought this tape and highly recommend it.

My question is, how does it compare to "The Expert at the Pitach Table" book/tape set? Pretty much the same material? Is it worth getting the latter if you already have Don's? Just wondering if it's worth getting the other one, too.
"Love God, laugh more, spend more time with the ones you love, play with children, do good to those in need, and eat more ice cream. There is more to life than magic tricks." - Scott F. Guinn
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Profile of DavidEscapes
I am going over to China in a few weeks and plan on trying some pitching out there if I get a chance between shows. Its going to be fun seeing how my translation works for a Chinese crowd Smile
David Victor - The artist formally (and still occasionally) known as David Straitjacket.

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Wayne Whiting
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I recently purchased Don's tape and I too was disappointed that I could not purchase it through Paypal. What is it about us magician's that want it NOW!!! Don accommodated my impatience with the e-mail of a friend who had Paypal and the tape was in the mail the next day.

Not only is this good material, but what has impressed me is the followup that Don provides, and not with e-mails either. All of my questions have been answered with a personal phone call sometimes only minutes after I sent the e-mail. I began to think this was a new trick he was going to market! A+ for customer relations Don. Thanks!
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Profile of Zack
<quote>Not only is this good material, but what has impressed me is the followup that Don provides, and not with e-mails either. All of my questions have been answered with a personal phone call sometimes only minutes after I sent the e-mail. I began to think this was a new trick he was going to market! A+ for customer relations Don. Thanks!</quote>

That sounds like Don. He is seriously generous with his time and advice! I just got off the phone with him, he had a ton of suggestions about how to make more money with my busking act.
Doc Dains
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With Don's tape I got everything I needed to get started pitching the Svengali deck and more. I had the pleasure of seeing Don work with David Walker last year.
Don't let the low price fool you. This is the real stuff!
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Profile of DonDriver
Hey Guys,
They say one photo is worth a thousand words,so here are two thousand words.Just for those of you that don't have an idea of what pitching is all about. My pitch joint. Working a tip.

Thanks for all your kind words.
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Profile of Clark
Thank you Reed for starting a post on this, the tape sounds wonderful and will be my first exposure to any real work on pitching a Sven deck. Seems like it would be very fun (and I konw, allot of hard work) to play aound wih this at some of the local markets and events.

In short, on, you shvae sold another one!

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Profile of evolve629
Today I rec'd a Don Driver's Svengali Pitch tape in the mail. Since I never ordered this tape, I'm curious how this tape came to me. Does anyone here has received this tape just out of the blue?
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Profile of DonDriver
Hi Evolve629,
This is a mystery to me as well.Did the package have my return address? If you didn't order it or someone ordered it for you I don't see how I could have gotten your address.Maybe someone ordered it from me and than mailed it to you.I have no way to know as I don't know your address.If you want to PM me your address I'll go though my orders and see if I mailed one out.I don't remember sending one to Minnesota in the last few weeks.
Please do let me know what you find out.I'm at a lost right now.
Thanks for your post.
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Profile of cstreet_1986
On 2005-03-24 13:19, sethb wrote:
... Although the 60-minute video is pretty complete in itself, I would also suggest picking up a copy of "The Long and Short of It" by Martin Lewis. This $25 pamphlet contains a number of good Svengali sleights and interesting patter ideas. I did not think it was possible to fan or spread a Svengali deck until I read Martin's work -- very clever!

Between these two resources, any competent magician should be able to work up a fine Svengali routine that should bring in some big bucks. SETH

I have been over at Danny Hustle's site lately ( [u]Mark[/u] Lewis was lying to one of us Sethb - either his name is Martin or Mark. Either way, for anyone who is looking for this book, the author has his name down as Mark Lewis. I don't mean to criticise Sethb (even though it sounds like I am), I am just posting this in case anyone is looking for the book.

You can find it at

Soon I shall be posting some reviews on Don Drivers work. Stick around,

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Profile of sethb
Chase -- Thanks for the correction. You are right, Mr. Lewis' full name is Mark Lewis, not Martin.

I can add that having used some of Mark's shuffles and moves has really helped me to sell more Svengali decks. I have also have many laypersons come up to me and say that they already owned a Svengali deck, but had no idea that it could be manipulated and displayed in these ways. So although the pamphlet is a little pricey at $25, it contains some good information about handling a Svengali deck that could ultimately be well worth it. SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
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Profile of cstreet_1986
I was just looking around some sites and I came across someone called Martin Lewis completely by accident. He did a book (I think it was a book) on jumping beans (or something that jumps). Perhaps you had the name in your mind at the time, or was it just complete coincidence?

I hate it when people change the subject in one of these topics, so I will ask this one question and perhaps we should revert back to Don's brilliance shown in his pitching video (notice the subtle plug there?).
