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Profile of Vraagaard
The NAME premise is very strong. Even with friends I know, meaning everybody knowsa that I know their name up front. Even they are deeply astonished when the lines changes into their name.

It is of course a bit more astonishing when you "didn't" know their name up front. But I don't think that the lay audience in that split second when the magic happens think "and he didn't even know my name". No they are simply reacting to lines shifting into something else, and everybody can relate to and recognise a name. They are simply amazed by the change. Later on they might be thinking, hmmmm and he didn't even know my name. Later on...

But let us hear more concerning your experiments with Universal Impression and words instead of Names.

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Jason Christopher
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Profile of jnork
Hello All,

Just a hint ... pay attention when you're at the tables. Someone may direct a comment such as " Oh look a magician Ted, do you want to see one? " you NOW know Ted's name without asking him.

If performing at the end of the meal and they pay with a creidt card, many times their names are on the credit card or the charge receipt.

Many restaurants now have their own 'rewards' cards for frequent guests ... their NAME is on those cards. Be aware and now you can know their name without asking ...

Just my .02 Smile

Jason Christopher
Yours in Magic!
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Profile of PatrickGregoire
The whole point of using their NAME instead of anything else is because the effect is over once the lines find their card. Then you go to hand it to them, but you decide to make it more personal for them and change the lines into their name. Using a word or anything else just goes against the purpose of the final change.
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Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Profile of tomboston
I just received "Identity" and I think it is a great routine. I am returing to magic after a long time off so I need to practice the moves more before I will perform it. I think it will be a killer!

RE: availability of the gaff -- I just did a internet search on ****** and found them at an online magic store, now I have a whole box of them!
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Profile of GeorgeKerzon
I dropped out of magic a while ago and like Tomboston, I too just recently got back into it because of a curiosity again.

On a whim I purchased Identity and I really love it.

This is certainly not a self working effect.
It took some effort to get it down but the effort was well worth it.

I tried it at a networking meeting last week.
The person that I performed for was amazed merely by the fact that the marks found his signed card, never mind the real ending.
When I shook the card and the marks morphed into his name, HE FREAKED OUT.
The look on his face was priceless.
He stood there for 3-4 seconds without saying a word. Then he started to swear.
A networking meeting environment is not one where swearing is appropriate behavior. It was hilarious Smile
He must have examined the card on and off for 5 minutes throughout our conversation.
This is the kind of effect that gets under people's skin.

The DVD covers a lot of ground with plenty of ideas and variations, the gimmick is standard and very low tech, nothing to break, easy to replace.
Fantastic stuff!
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Profile of sirbrad
Can you use the Shapeshifter change for this?
The great trouble with magicians is the fact that they believe when they have bought a certain trick or piece of apparatus, and know the method or procedure, that they are full-fledged mystifiers. -- Harry Houdini
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Profile of Voldemort
Here fishy-fishy-fishy.... Smile
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Profile of Rpascual
On 2009-08-11 02:36, sirbrad wrote:Can you use the Shapeshifter change for this?
If you buy the dvd, you can find out Smile. Assuming you could, it wouldn't be really recommended. There it doesn't really look like the lines are morphing into the name. It just looked like they change really fast. The change in the dvd is perfect. No need to substitute it Smile.
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Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Profile of tomboston
George, I'm glad "Identity" was such a success for you. I'm still trying to make the end of the routine (where you start to give the card back and then don't...) natural looking. I fumble a bit with the multiple handings at this point. Otherwise, I am ready to try it out!
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Profile of sirbrad
I don't need to "fish," the vast majority of the effects I buy I already know the workings of for the most part. Being this is my 30th year or so in magic I am pretty much beyond buying "secrets," but always strive to buy an effect based on personal merits and entertainment value. So be careful before you falsely assume. I simply wanted to know if the move would work well with this, and I don't think I need to "fish" for something I already know. If this uses the twirl change I would assume the answer is yes then, unless there is more to do with a gimmick.
The great trouble with magicians is the fact that they believe when they have bought a certain trick or piece of apparatus, and know the method or procedure, that they are full-fledged mystifiers. -- Harry Houdini
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Profile of chrismatt
For those who want to use Universal Impression to secretly learn the name or word, try this: Have the S write the name on the clear wrapper around the card case with a Dry Erase marker, show the name to a few "witnesses," then rub the name out with his thumb, apparently destroying all evidence of the name or word. Remove the deck from the case and remove the two Jokers from the deck, thus securing the secret name or word. This eliminates the need for a pad, etc.

As an aside, the UI gimmick inside a cased deck is a fine way to present the Holy Grail of mental card magic: simply have the S write any card on the card case wrapper, then any number. Have S show the card name and number (for example, 9D and 33) to a few witnesses. Remove the deck, which is in memorized order, and discard the two Jokers, gaining the peek of the card and number. Do your calculations and cut the card to the proper number. Give the deck FD to the S to hold and have him, for the first time, name his thought-of card and then his number. Presto!

Details make perfection, but perfection is no detail.
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Profile of Blueroyalty
I don't know if this has been asked (I did a search and didn't find anything). Anyway, what other presentations are there so you can perform this on people you know? I was thinking of asking them their favorite comic hero and having them try to draw it on the card, then having the marks turn into the named character. On a side note, I always wanted to perform Alex Elmsley's Fortune Teller Book of Days on people I know but haven't come up with any good presentations, imo, other than think of someone else birthday. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated Smile
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Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Profile of tomboston
I think this will work just as well with people you know. The fact that the marks morph into their name is pretty strong stuff. Does anyone have any experience performing this on people they know?
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Profile of Blueroyalty
Of course this will work on people you know, I just think that it takes away from the kicker ending. Which is why I believe using something other than their name (for someone you know) would be more effective. Anyone...Bueler...anyone? LOL
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Profile of Gears
I don't think that performing this on someone you know takes away much from the name revelation. Just the fact seeing thier name materialize on their card that they were just holding makes it a miracle for them. I have done this trick for most of the members in my family and the fact that I know their name doesn't matter to them.
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Profile of prizna
Don't know if this has been mentioned but there are also a few chapters you may have missed for the maxed out version, there is Twirl Change veriations for the maxed out version, Reset for the Maxed out Version and Maxed out (Extended Version) these just like the Condensed versions alternate vanish can be found by advancing chapters once in the maxed out version explanation.
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Profile of Monte
I will give my full review for this trick!

Practicality - This effect is not practical at all. You will essentially reveal the secret of the trick while you are performing it. Trust me, just check out the youtube video performances of it and you can figure it out.

Strength: This is potentially a powerful trick in the right situation. It is something you can have up your sleeve as an "impromptu moment".

Set-up: No Set-up really.

Angles: No one can stand behind you!

My overall recommendation: I recommend that you purchase instead the Richard Sanders show Vol. 1-3. In Vol. 1 he will reveal the secret of the trick as well as other effects. Just ask yourself would you pay money for one trick or a bunch of tricks? Identity vs. Sanders show Vol. 1. That is your choice.

I hope this helps!
Monte, as in the 3 cards.
Review King
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Profile of Review King
On 2009-11-18 01:04, Monte wrote:

Practicality - This effect is not practical at all. You will essentially reveal the secret of the trick while you are performing it. Trust me, just check out the youtube video performances of it and you can figure it out.

The same could be said of Twisting The Aces or any number of effects. It's all in the performer. Youtube is riddled with bad performances of classic effects.

The public knows about the TT, yet, professionals earning a living fool people each day in their shows with it.

Dai vernon said it's the poor artist that blames the brushes.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of Xcath1
14 pages of comments I will add that for lay audiences (the only ones worth talking about) this has been one of my most effective tricks, plays even better then I thought it would. Even with "the overhandling" even with controversy about the "magician fooler" change. I got over it, I do the short version with an Erdanse at the beggining to open their pupils and the revolve at the end to seal the deal.
Review King
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Review King
I leave out the twirl change. I place the card, face up, in their hand and have them sandwich the card between their palms and shake it ( like making a martini I tell them ) and make the change that way. I've found that to be a stronger revelation. The card doesn't come in contact with the deck and it's now magic in their hands.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier