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Profile of adamjames
I've only seen the demo of this effect, but...erm...isn't it in Fulves' Self-Working Coin Magic? ("Crash Glass" by Ross Bertram on pg 18)?

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Profile of johnnymystic
That is exactly what I thought the minute I watched the demo. Also over at there is a coin in can routine in which the method of getting the coin into the can is exactly like Sinful.

I just put two and two together and came up with a workable version of Sinful, not sure if it's exactly like Waynes trick.

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Profile of evolve629
After watching it last evening, I'm very impressed with this effect. Wow, it's pure magic. I'm going to practice and hopfully perform this effect this wkend.
Wayne: Houchin, you Rock! I'm going to watch you like a hawk and buy every single effect you create and release from now on Smile
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Profile of evolve629
By the way, I think this effect is great to do it in the kitchen when you have a party. In my kitchen, it's set up to entertain. I'm going to have one of my guests open the fridge and picks out a can freely and I will borrow a quarter. The kitchen sink is in the middle of the island - so no mess and easy - pour the soda and Bam there's their signed coin in the can. From there, we can move on to the next trick, perhaps Double Deception by Swadling?
One hundred percent of the shots you don't take don't go in - Wayne Gretzky
My favorite part is putting the gaffs in the spectators gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside! - Bob Kohler
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Profile of Fazie
Trick is awesome:)
I love that kind of tricks... no gimmicks and all this stuff just your hands coke can coin an ... magic

great this guy is really incredible
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Profile of Eva
On 2006-01-16 18:45, adamjames wrote:
I've only seen the demo of this effect, but...erm...isn't it in Fulves' Self-Working Coin Magic? ("Crash Glass" by Ross Bertram on pg 18)?

adamjames and johnnymystic, you are both correct. I checked the Fulves Self Working Coin Magic book today and Sinful IS in there. As soon as you know the 'Crash Glass' the rest is obvious I am thinking.

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Profile of Godel
Coin Through Soda Can is absolutley great-need more from Wayne Houchin....
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Profile of adamjames
Does Houchin have any other material out? I'm sure I've come across his name before.

I'm a bit confused...if this is Houchin's effect, why is it being advertised as Criss Angel's?
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Profile of teevtee
It is a Houchin effect that he sold TV rights to Criss Angel to use. Angel (in conjunction with Houchin) have put it on DVD. I would assume they did it that way because Angel will probably sell a lot more DVDs (and can pay for a decent production) than Houchin would. Houchin is on the DVD and really the guy who teaches it whiel Angel watches.
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Profile of trickychris
After reading some of the reviews here, I decided to buy this!
its greats. I love "wacking" the coin into the can, I even fool my mirror.

Jim Mullen
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Profile of Jim Mullen
Clearly, the consensus of the forum is that this trick is well worth the price of the DVD and the effort to practice the performance.

The only negative comment that re-appears in several postings is that the trick is likely to become widespread. So what? What that means is that one person in your audience, once in a while, will know how it is done. Again, so what? That person is unlikely to reveal the secret anyway. If you are worried that this situation will diminish your status as a clever magician, you can prevent that by introducing the trick as one that Chris Angel has just published. Thus, the fact that it is easy-to-do is Chris' fault, not yours.

I am buying the DVD, and I won't worry about how much it has been exposed.

Jim Mullen
Jim Mullen

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Profile of teevtee
There is ZERO chance that this effect will ever be popular or mainstream enough that lay people in the audience will know how it is done. No fear of that whatsoever. In fact most people don't even know how VERY old and VERY basic routines are done, like say Linking Rings or cups and balls. These are tricks that come with every kids magic set in the world and STILL audiences do not know.

In the case of Sinful the onlyreal risk of over exposure is that people may say "Oh, I saw Criss Angel do this!" or maybe "Oh, I saw that other magician do this." You will not hear "Oh, that's sinful on the Cris Angel Mastermidn DVD, I knowhow to do that!"
Jim Mullen
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I agree with Teevtee. Let's get the DVD and have some fun fooling folks.

Jim Mullen
Jim Mullen

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Profile of The_Shadow
This tricks absoloutely kicks butt!! I managed to fool even the most sceptical of people with it. You know the type of people that burn your hands the entire time? The y were blown away by it.
Billy Bo
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Profile of Billy Bo
Done it at my magic club and it was so funny watching them burn me and looking confused, like I was some god. I must say though its funny watching people panic about lay people able to buy it. whats the difference between a layman and a really bad magician who doesn't practice enough but buys everything just to know how it works? for god sake anyone can access any magic site and buy everything. look at the kids magic sets in stores, loaded with real magic that we use. I won a competition at my magic club using everything from an old paul daniels magic set, I took it out the original box infront of the lay judges aswell. its not the trick its what you do with it that counts. as for this trick, its a keeper
robert bianchi
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Profile of robert bianchi
No gimmicks, no set-up, no expansion of my pockets with devices and gizmos, this is a classic. The DVD is a little frustrating in Mr. Angel's promotion and interuptions of Waynne who is demonstrating the technique, but other than that it delivers beyond belief. Not to mention that it is in my opinion underpriced in comparrision to the impact that it delivers.

Unlike other posts that I have read herein, there is no problem with examination of everything before and after the effect. All you need is to have someone to watch you, who can get hold of a can, and has their own quatter. The only thing that I have found difficult is to remember to bring a felt marker, so that the quatter can be marked.

I know that my post is simply a mirror of many, but I could not help myself. It's that good!

My best buy in years!
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Profile of tlfdoc
This trick is one of the best impromptu magic effects I've seen in years. I ordered it with some skepticism, thinking it couldn't be as good as advertised. Instead I was thoroughly impressed as soon as I saw the DVD. It's one of those effects that you know as soon as you see the method that it's not only doable but worth every bit of practice that it will take to be proficient.

I thought both Wayne and Criss added very useful comments and presentational ideas. Wayne comes across as a very creative and thoughtful magician but less of a charismatic presentation or personality. Criss does a better job of presenting the effect to a group and is a more natural showman. This relationship is similar to that of many other professional magicians, such as Copperfield, who isn't known for creating his own magic as much as taking what others have created and making them part of his show.
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Profile of teevtee
While I agree100% about the power of the effect I disagree about Wayne not having much personality, in fact I think he has MUCH more than Criss.

Perhaps on this DVD since it is under the Angel name Wayne felt he had to play it down, I don't know, but if you go to his web site you will see Wayne do some GREAT performances. He really presents the trick in a much stornger way the Criss does.
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Profile of TKE
The effect is great..criss is useless
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Profile of tigerman21345
Well...i don't like the way Criss looks either...