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Profile of DonDriver
Thanks you liked it.

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Profile of biragobee
Hi Don,

I wanted to order your DVD's but your site seems to be down at the moment. Is it a temporary problem?
"Pick a nose, any nose from the face"
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Profile of DonDriver
Its working
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Profile of DonDriver
All this talk and still I haven't heard from you ?
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Profile of Briz
Hello ,

This is my first post after registering on The Magic Café today! I thought it was fitting to post here as it's Don who has been my impetus for becoming a member. I bought both the Svengali and bally dvd's from Don after reading all the good things that had been written. I've since received the Jam Auction as well, which is, as has already been written, a masterclass in crowd building, crowd keeping and then selling. Very subtle but very strong.
Anyhow back to the Pitch DVD. As a result of watching these DVD's I contacted several wholesalers in the States. I live in England and have to accept that I'll be paying large postage rates and then import tax for bulk buys, this is an obvious consideration for anyone but I don't think it should put you off. The margins should still be there to make it worthwhile.
I was lucky enough to find a U.K wholesaler of novelty goods who was discontinuing his stock of Svengali decks so I bought what he had.
For anyone here in the U.K who is thinking about this but has doubts I say go for it. As far as the Bally pitch is concerned there is the fact that of course we have different currency but that can be used as an advantage changing from the US dollar to the £10 note!
In essence, I now have a way to bring in some much needed extra money, and the necessary contacts for getting new stock when I shift this first lot.
Don, thanks again for releasing these, as I think I said in my email to you, I think these are a great resource for anyone who has an interest in magic, busking and or selling!

Take it easy,
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Profile of sethb
Hi Mark, welcome to the Café' and good luck with your Svengali Pitch. Don's DVD was also my introduction to the Svengali Pitch, and he is definitely the master in this area, so you are off to a good start.

BTW, don't overlook the Worm Pitch at the end of Don's DVD. In my humble opinion, it is a tremendous attention-getter and crowd-builder. When the worm is crawling all over your hands or jumping from cup to cup, it stops people dead in their tracks! Best of all, it will appeal to kids who are a little too young to handle a Svengali Deck. It also appeals to young girls, who usually don't care for card tricks. If you haven't done any thread work before, it will take a little time to acquire the knack of handling the worm, but it will be time well spent, I guarantee you! SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
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Profile of DonDriver
Thanks Mark glade you liked the DVD so much.

Seth keep up the good work.

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Profile of billmonroe
Don Driver's pitch DVD is a MUST have for anyone interested in pitching Svengali decks and making extra income. Not only does Don give you a proven and successful pitch, he tells you how to make the pitch joint, how to build a tip, and turn that tip. EVERYTHING that you need to know is covered, EVEN where to buy the Svengali decks for your pitching. In addition, Don gives you all the information that is contained on the DVD, in written form so you can read it at your leisure. Thank you Don for giving me the tools to be very successful in pitching at my local flea market. Get this DVD as it will pay for itself over and over again. Don, I cannot say thank you enough for making this DVD available. Cheers,

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Profile of JoshuaMichael
These testimonials are unbelieveable, I don't even like the Svengali or making money but I'm going to order anyway.
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Profile of sethb
Even if you don't regularly do a Svengali Pitch, getting and learning the pitch from Don Driver will make you a MUCH better magician. I know this for a fact, because that's what happened to me!

The constant complaint from many amateur magicians is that they have no place to perform, and they are always having to do new tricks for the same people. So they never get any real performing experience, and they can never "polish" an effect or get any honest feedback.

BUT -- if you learn the Svengali Pitch and pay $25 to set up at a flea market, you can perform the same trick all day long for different people. Your DL's will become a model of perfection in short order. You will quickly learn how to effectively present and "sell" a trick to your audience. You will gain confidence, lose any "performing nerves," and be able to really "connect" with your spectators by performing intimate, amazing closeup magic right under their noses. You will learn how to draw a crowd, and how to control and manage that crowd's attention. You will get to hear the "Ooohs" and "Aaaahs" and watch the jaws drop as all the cards magically change to the selected card, and then change back again! And if you screw something up (which is inevitable for everyone, including David Copperfield), you will learn how to cover it with outs, and besides, you can just start over again five minutes later with an entirely different crowd.

Along the way, you will also probably make enough money to buy plenty of other magic tricks and books, too. So what are you waiting for? OK, now who wants to buy one, just raise your hand, we have plenty in stock today and we'll get to you as soon as we can, please have your money ready . . . . SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
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Profile of DonDriver

Please don't order.

Thank You
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Profile of sethb
Don, I could be wrong, but I think he was giving you a compliment! SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
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Profile of DonDriver
I'm sure he was Seth,but still...very strange.
The Cardfather
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Profile of The Cardfather
I have to chime in. I set up shop two Sundays ago at a great swap meet location. I had the flashy pitch joint and lots of different kinds of stock. I didn't need any of it but the Svengali deck and the right attitude. I sold more than enough decks to make it a great day but I'm of one track mind now. Svengali and Driver pitch. Enough said...Rick
Jon-O the Great
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Profile of Jon-O the Great
Don's DVD is IT!

When I first saw the ad, I thot, "Heck, I can do that!" When I got the DVD and tried actually DOING the tricks, I thot, "Heck, I CAN'T do that!" And frankly, I COULDN'T! I set up my table in front of the TV and I'm not lying when I say I played it over 200 times. I JUST couldn't get it. Even tho Don EXPLICITELY shows you how, I never got the cards back in the correct order by the end of the demo. Had to stop and get 'em set up after EVERY demo! My wife said, "Maybe you just need to go out and DO IT!" (I think she was tired of hearing, "...they walk, they talk, they do a little tap dance right here on the table...." 200 times!) Heck, after 200 times, SHE could even do it!!

So I went out and DID IT. Rented a space at a local flea and DID IT. Still messed up--just not as much. My DL was STILL terrible and still got the cards out of order about half the time. BUT-- I actually sold my first demo—2 sets to one guy. (He didn't know how terrible I was!) But that point told me MAYBE the most important thing. I KNEW at least SOMETHING and the customer didn't know ANYTHING about what I was attempting to do. So even if I messed up, I still sold.

I put an extra key card in the card box and put it in an out of the way place. If I messed up and the key card was NOT where it was supposed to be, I said, “Did you hear that? I think it went into that box. Here, open it up and see.” I STILL got the “How'd you do that?” even tho I had actually messed up.

Today, I not only have the confidence I initially lacked, I have not HAD to use the “card-in-the-box” bit in many weeks. Which means I ACTUALLY do it right. Even my DL is ALMOST undetectable—at least from the front.

Can I say I owe it all to Don's DVD? Nope. But if I had not had the INITIAL “Heck, I can do that”, AND Don's DVD, I'd still be wondering if I could.

Don's DVD is the MAGIC that made me do it. And I'm sure I'm probably the ONLY dummy who watched it 200 times and STILL couldn't do it correctly. So if you're wavering about buying it—BUY IT! I'm sure YOU will not be a member of the “200 club”!

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Profile of DonDriver
200 times? That has to be a record! Anyway I'm glade you liked the DVD and are out earning money because of it.

Thanks Jon,and have a good one.

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Profile of Seeker

Hey Everyone,
My name is Jacob, I am a demo/pitcher/magician at FAO Schwartz in NYC. I work there selling Svengali decks and other great Magic Tricks from FANTASMA to children, tourists, and young Magicians alike.

I have heard some good things about Don’s DVD and pitch not only for the Café but also from other friends and Magicians. So I figured I would take the plunge. And I was glad I did.

I received Don Driver’s DVD a while back, watched the DVD and was pretty happy. Don doesn’t waste time with fancy graphics or any kind of fancy set ups. When you buy the DVD, you are buying straight information. If you want to start pitching decks or any kind of pitching, this is a GREAT DVD to start with.

Don presents it all, from the way to build the stand you are performing on to how to present the magic deck. He gives you a TYPED script as well as a Live Performance. He breaks it down step by step and answers any questions you may have.

Don was even kind enough to include a brief history of his pitch and how its changed and developed to the create it is now.

While Don does give you a great DVD that presents all the information, he also gives you a very valuable information Packet. In there is hard text of his scripted routine as well as contact information of bulk products, designs for a pitch stand, as well as instructions and more.

Don breaks down the DVD in the following way:
OPENING --- Don gives you a quick hello and welcomes you to the DVD
THE PICTH --- Don performs the Pitch for a Magician nice and slow and with some notes
THE JOINT --- Don goes into detail how to build your stand so you can be proud of your work
INTRO TO LIVE PITCH --- Don talks about where he is and what your about to see and what to look for
THE LIVE PITCH! --- Don does his pitch and wows a crowd and sells out his decks!
AFTER THOUGHTS --- Notes about the pitch and how to set up and Sell, SELL, SELL!
FUZZLE PITCH --- Free, included is the Magic Fuzzle Pitch so you can maybe branch into this effect

Also included is where you can buy bulk items of Magic Fuzzles and you can see The Legendary S. David Walker perform the pitch for Svengali decks at the Wisconsin Fair (2005)

So that’s his DVD, No frills, short, to the point, proven to work, easy to learn, homemade, cheap, and YOU CAN MAKE MONEY!

Yes…I sell more Svengali decks when I use Don’s Pitch. I have taken the time to test it against my old pitch and his. I must say, this is a Gem. I have taken a month to test it…and it works every time.

So if you are just starting out or want to refine your technique or simply want a great way to get introduced to a GREAT area of magic…this is a DVD to start with.

Pitching decks and selling them WILL make you a better magician.

On top of that…Don is a great guy. I have called and talked to him about magic and pitching and he is always willing to help you out. When you get his DVD, you get his email too.

For 30 dollars….it’s a steal.

Thanks Don!
I've been training these cards since they were small.
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Profile of Seeker
No reaction? Or does everyone know its good already?

I've been training these cards since they were small.
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Profile of MagicSanta
I think all the hip people know it is good....
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Profile of sethb
Hey Jacob, your review was right on target, there's no question that Don's DVD is the "gold standard" on the Svengali Pitch. I also agree that pitching Svengali Decks will make you a better magician, because you can get tons of performing experience and can polish a routine until it shines (although as Don says, a pitchman is not a magician, he/she is a salesman).

And for those folks who would like to make some money with their magic, Don's DVD will pay for itself many times over if you learn and apply the lessons he gives you -- it's the real work on the Svengali Pitch. BTW, don't neglect the Magic Worm info at the end, it could definitely be another gold mine if handled properly. The decks and the worms are a dynamite pitching combination!

BTW, I'm curious to learn what other items you pitch in addition to the Svengali Deck. I do a Svengali Pitch at street festivals, fairs, craft shows, etc., and also pitch Magic Worms and Money Paddles. I've tried other effects such as the Buddha Papers, Money Makers, Dime & Penny sets, and an Adams Nest of Boxes, but nothing sells like the decks, the worms and the paddle. Also had a few bombs like the Multiplying Rabbits (a good trick, but no good outside in a breeze and too tough for kids to learn) and the Ball Vase (no interest whatsoever). So now I focus on just 3-4 tricks so that I have a good variety, but without a big inventory. But I'm curious to have the benefit of your experience, which may be different since you are pitching in FAO Schwartz for Fantasma.

If you want to reply, please post your answer in the "Step Right Up" section of the Café, which is devoted to discussions about pitching. Thanks! SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC