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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Dai Vernon Revelations 8-Vol DVD set (2 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of saturnin
Magicbern wrote:
"I think the Professor has earned the right to be 'obnoxious' as saturnin states in his post.
A personal attack on one of the truly greats thinly veiled as personal opinion is distressing...
I wonder what these members have done in their magical life to warrant being videotaped and preserved for future generations? "

First, let me state that I would have normally answered by a PM, but since my name was openly written in a public post...

Sorry MagicBern, but I am freely allowed to state my honest opinion of this DVD series, especially when you considered that sells for about 250$ US, which represents a notable amount of money.

First, I was NOT talking about Vernon's magical accomplishments, or his talents... only his behavior and how I personaly thought he came of on the screen.

Second, NO ONE has the right to be obnoxious or behave in a bad way, no matter what are your accomplishments.

Furthermore, if you have read anything else on Vernon and his life, you would know that I am not the only one that has this opinion of him (not about his accomplishments, but about him as a person).

Facts are; on the "Vernon Spirit of Magic" show someone (forgot the name) says that he would have paid 1 000 000$ for having the chance to meet someone like Vernon (he actually met Vernon and spent some time with him), but he would also PAY 1 000 000$ for NOT meeting another person like him!!!!

Persi Diaconis said that Vernon simply drove him nuts and that is one of the main reason why they stopped living/travelling together (at least for some time).

Even his own son (don't remember his name), said that as a magician, Vernon was probably unparalleled, but as a father and person... well things could be improved.

Sorry if this is a bit out of topic, but I felt it needed to be said.

Ronnie Lemieux
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Larry Davidson
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In my opinion, Ronnie's entitled to his. I don't consider Ronnie's opinion an attack. Vernon had a reputation for being what many would characterize as "obnoxious." There are many stories, including ones told by his students. Vernon was an incredible magician, but he also was a man who had flaws like everyone else. That doesn't make him any less important and influential a magician, which isn't what Ronnie was suggesting.

For me, the purchase was worth it, if only as a record of one of the most influential magicians in history.

Larry D.
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Profile of bishthemagish
Dai Vernon is not really a good magic teacher, at least not on these tapes. However, there is sooo much more to learn from this master that these tapes/discs are simply a must!


Dai Vernon IS and WAS a great magic teacher. The problem with these DVD's and tapes was the fact that Dai Vernon was very old at the time he was taping them.

Had these been done twenty to thirty years sooner. They would have been a lot different because he would have been younger.

Dai Vernon was a great teacher but he suffered from something that we all will suffer - that is old age!
Glenn Bishop Cardician

Producer of the DVD Punch Deal Pro

Publisher of Glenn Bishop's Ace Cutting And Block Transfer Triumphs
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Profile of bishthemagish
And to be brutally honest, Vernon gets on my nerves (not just his voice, but I find him obnoxious too) My 2 cents Ronnie Lemieux
Montreal Canada

Yes Old people seem to get on young peoples nerves. I like old obnoxious magicians. I hope to be one someday... All I need is to age because I am already obnoxious.

If the people that complain about magicians like Dai Vernon have the same performing record or publish routines that have such a high quality and give to magic as much as a man like Dai Vernon...

But they don't come close to Dai Vernon's record...

I think this DVD set is great!
Glenn Bishop Cardician

Producer of the DVD Punch Deal Pro

Publisher of Glenn Bishop's Ace Cutting And Block Transfer Triumphs
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Profile of magicbern
Kudos to the members who feel as I do that to slight off someone who has contributed immeasurably to contemporary close-up magic (and to do so veiled under the name of freedom of speech) doesn't sit well.

ALso, I wonder why the particular member who finds the Professor's manner and voice OBNOXIOUS feels the need to post both publicly and via PM? Is repetition the only way he feels he can get his PERSONAL view across to me?

Obviously some may feel that their review of a DVD series should not only focus on a performer's magical talents, accomplishments or teaching style...but also on his morality, his human flaws and non-magical lifestyle.

I feel otherwise; in the same vein I can draw an analogy with the much-maligned but brilliant musician Michael Jackson. I don't condone his private life, but that won't stop me from admitting that he has deserved his stature in the pop world nor would I slam his CDs or songs because I don't like his chosen lifestyle.
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Profile of DzH
In the beginning I didn't know much about the Professor, and I still doesn't, but I've seen some of the revelations videos, and I was fascinated by the historical info on these vids, and it's really nice to see Steve in action..

I've only bought 11&12 (but seen most of them) since they have some false deals and the S.W.E. shift....

I still want to buy the whole series (when I can affort it), since I think he was a very vice man (within the topics of magic and gambling)...

Sometimes he is a bit annoying,,,, but he is still an inspiration.. at least to me...

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Profile of mcmc
These DVD's are great. Mr. Vernon's speech and style slightly grated in the beginning, but please do remember that he was quite advanced in years. And he is quite gracious to the other fellows, and despite his monumental stature in magic, he admits that his hands aren't what they used to be and bows out of doing some effects.

From an education standpoint, sure you learn perhaps 4 or 5 routines in each DVD. But to see his execution of it is priceless. And one of the most valuable lessons I've learned from watching these, is Mr. Vernon's self-imposed imperative to Simplify, Simplify, Simplify. I realized that I've contented myself with far too many a shifty (almost put a t instead of the f in that word, would amount to the same meaning) move that has no good motivation. When you hear and watch him, it's clear that he was disciplined in that regard and it shows in the simple, elegant beauty of his effects. It looks like pure magic.

I for one am *very* thankful that a young'un like me has a chance to see him, if only on video.
T. Joseph O'Malley
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If you own any of the books written on Vernon, these DVDs parallel those volumes nicely. For example, after learning "Cutting the Aces" from Stars of Magic, I found it very helpful to hear Vernon's comments on the routine, as well as getting to watch Freeman perform it.

There are a # of tips, tidbits, etc as others have said. I very much enjoy watching "Revelations" and find it highly educational. Sometimes people want stuff handed to them on a silver platter, but with these DVDs, you'll have to learn to read between the lines and you'll find stuff that will prove useful to you.

As for the Professor's "character", etc, a) most of us here did not meet him so how do we know ANYTHING and b) squeaky clean people usually aren't very intriguing to me. I prefer my idols and teachers to have a bit of grit and dirt to them.
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Profile of JoaoPedro
ABSOLUTELY RECOMMENDED! The best videos I own (and I own about 150). Dai Vernon is my favourite magiccian of all times. These videos contain some of the legacy Vernon left to us! Everyone should have one set. from 1 to 5....6 stars!
João Pedro
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Profile of p.b.jones
I have the complete set on VHS and I think they are great. Ok if your only at the level where you think Tricks/routines are the be all and end all then yes buy xxx made easy or what ever, the vernon tapes do have many many routines/tricks and often people going off in tangents dicussing and explaining other tricks, if you can imagine several people sitting around a table one showing a routine and explaining it others giving their input then this is basicaly what you are getting. I promice you that if you watch the tapes carefully without skimming you will learn far more about magic than tricks or routines
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Profile of owen.daniel
I bought Vol.13-14 on video from international Magic, they currently have a sale on, with all videos going for £7.50!
The video is great, the talk on false shuffles is very informative, and the video of the performances is brilliant. Before then I had never seen any of the performers (Ammar, Ouellet, Freeman, and Vernon).
Zombie Magic
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For a couple of days L&L has the entire DVD set, including the Vernon lectures on DVD from the 1970's for only $99.