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Darrin Cook
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I saw Pete Biro do an effect in his lecture at Kramien's Convention. He is holding a large mousetrap and a deck of cards is tossed into the air. He reaches up and snags the card out of the air with the mousetrap, as cards fly everywhere. It's a very dramatic revelation.

[Pete can correct me if my memory is faulty.]
Curtis Kam
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Sburke, if you try this effect in front of loved ones, there's a great gag with a TT just waiting....
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Barry Gitelson
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Looking forward to hearing some more on this one...

"Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God." Author: Leo Buscaglia
Steve Brooks
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For those brave few who are wondering, we are finishing up the last little touches and will be sending the master off to the duplicators VERY stay tuned! Smile

NOTE TO SELF ----> Do not practice The Rat Pack while blindfolded! Smile
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
Ron Crumley
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Nice "touch" Steve!
Sean W. Burke
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Hey Steve, from the above picture it looks like more the a few "little" touches you need to work on Smile.
Curtis Kam
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Is THAT a PALMS OF STEEL 5 Banner I see? YARRRRGH! Please visit The Magic Bakery
Steve Brooks
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UPDATE: The box artwork is nearly completed and we will be off and running pretty quick here. It's been a lot of work, but I'm very pleased with the project, and I think you will be too. Smile
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
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Profile of Robert_V_Frazier
I'm buying one when it's available in October. Looks like much fun! Now I need to buy some miniature cards . . .
Robert V Frazier
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Curtis your posts crack me up. You sound like you're scaring people not to buy it, but the more you go on about how the rat trap will murder your fingers, the more people seem to be interested. Haha, it's almost sadistic, but I like it.

This will be the most stupid effect I'll ever perform. Stupid in a good way. I just can't imagine getting trapped while performing the effect. Meir Yedid will be proud.

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Curtis Kam
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It will then delight you to no end to hear that we have actually managed to con some very knowledgable and otherwise sensible magicians to act as bait--I mean beta testers.

Something makes these people actually want to try it. Strange, the power of managable fear. When something gets this stupid, it's sexy....

The Rat Pack is currently the runing gag in my standup show. I tell the audience; "Tonight we'll do some magic for your eyes, some magic for your minds, and then we'll do something really stupid with a rat trap".

Oddly, people seem to respect me for that.
Is THAT a PALMS OF STEEL 5 Banner I see? YARRRRGH! Please visit The Magic Bakery
Reed McClintock
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I find The Rat Pack to be a true lesson in acting abilities. I am finding a great deal of drama and build up are naturally built in with this effect.

Quite frankly, this effect will teach you how to play the role of a magician alright, because there will always be that knot in your stomach. A little voice hanchoring at your nerve endings saying; "Dude, if you miss, it will really hurt - a bunch!"

Since it is suppose to be magic and you miss and it naturally hurts, the acting all cool like it didn't is also very humorous.

Watch out Svengali deck! Here is the new magic pitch item that should be in magic shops all over the world saving magic and making practice, showmanship, and psychology important again.
Thank you Curtis, I love it.
"Stuff is anything, but magic is everything"

Reed McClintock 2003

Curtis Kam
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There you have it, gentlemen and ladies (well, one can hope....) the first report is in from our fearless team of beta testers, and apparently, he's still able to type. We now await the responses (or lack thereof) from the rest of the team.

Thanks for the feedback, and I hope you enjoyed the rush.
Is THAT a PALMS OF STEEL 5 Banner I see? YARRRRGH! Please visit The Magic Bakery
Dorian Rhodell
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Hey Guys,

I just finished viewing a preview copy of The Rat Pack. You will definitely be in for a treat. The production quality is incredible. I've never seen such clarity in a magic DVD before. The cut scenes and editing job that Steve and his team did are first rate. And some of the special FX are pretty good too! If this DVD is indicative of future DVD's coming from THE MAGIC BAKERY then I truly believe that Steve is going to set a new industry standard here.

As far as the effect itself goes, yes it's pretty ******* crazy! But, I've just added it to my performing repertoire! If you perform this effect to the sound of no applause, then only two scenarios are possible:

Scenario A: You are performing for blind people.
Scenario B: You got caught in the trap!

Way to go Steve! And Curtis, thank you for adding something to my picky arsenal.


Dorian Rhodell
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Profile of joeKing
Very different...I'm interested but hesitant at the same time.
Dorian Rhodell
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C'mon, don't be hesitant. If the pain really bothers you after you get snagged once - then you never have to do it again. Of course, you'll really be hesitant after you get snagged...or quicker!
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I received mine in the mail today and eagerly popped it in the DVD player. I was very impressed with Mr Brooks' debut effort. The video quality is clear and crisp and the sound level is set so that you don't have to turn the volume way up on the TV. Curtis can be clearly heard and understood.

The effect has already been explained, he snatches a selected card from the deck while it's sitting precariously in a rat trap. This is not everybody's cup of tea but it is an awesome stunt to ensure an audience reaction. Whether you succeed or fail the audience will definitely remember your performance.

It's late right now but I'm planning on giving a complete review in the next couple of days. I have to sit through the explanation before I can do the review justice. I've just been watching the performance over and over and saying to myself, "That's just nuts!"

Bill Palmer
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I just had the first opportunity to watch this DVD. Steve sent me one of the beta versions, and I was right in the middle of one of my "megaprojects," so I just finally had a chance to view it.

Let me explain what you will see. Dave has described the effect very accurately. The spectator takes a card, signs it, and it goes back into the pack, which is shuffled and cut. The top and bottom cards of the deck are shown NOT to be the spectator's card. The trap is placed upon the card case, to give the trap the necessary clearance from the table top. The deck goes on to the end of the rat trap, right next to the trigger bar. After plenty of dramatic buildup, the performer snatches the card out of the deck, just before the trap slams down upon the deck, scattering cards hither and yon. It's exciting. It's dramatic. And you can build it for less than $1.75.

Curtis explains this in painstaking detail, from what kind of trap to buy, how to adjust it, how to inspect it for damage, and when to get a new one. He also has variations with a miniature deck and with a coin.

He also covers the drama -- how to set it up, how to increase it, and what to do at the end to get that extra round of applause.

Curtis, himself, is a personable fellow, who is pleasant to watch. And he explains well.

The production values are excellent. The sound levels are consistent. The video doesn't jump around a lot, but focuses on the things that are being discussed at the times they are being discussed.

This is Steve's first effort, and I think he has chosen well.

:applause: Smile Smile
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Bill Palmer
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I should also add that there are some very well produced trailers on this video. Now I know how Reed McClintock does some of his stuff - There are two of him!

Just when you thought it was safe to go into the studio...
"The Swatter"

Founder of CODBAMMC

My Chickasaw name is "Throws Money at Cups."
Whit Haydn
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Just watched the dvd. The production values are awesome--the best I have ever seen on a magic dvd. Lot's of cartoon animations, video leads, etc. Really beautifully done! Kudos to Steve.

The trick is a winner, and one that will appeal to many. Curtis is a great magician, one whom I have had the pleasure of watching work in his own environment in Honolulu, and I take anything he puts out very seriously.

This is a great, dramatic presentation that is bound to wake up everyone at the table. No sleeping through this!

I find it has just the right amount of weird humor, comedy, and danger with an interesting, familiar, and yet scary prop. Definately not for everyone, but a killer for those who will find it fits them.

Great job Curtis. Great job Steve.