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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: David Regal Vs. John G. (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of david_a_whitehead
Why don't you get the Regal books since they are more bang for your buck. you get tons more useful routines. john g has no book so just get his dvds. trust me, john g has some killer material that kicks you in the butt time and time again. don't know what mr. close and mr. swiss were thinking about in their reviews. No disrespect Smile
Matt Bartz
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I've got both and love both, however...I really enjoy the powerful simplicity of John G's stuff. I've also communicated with him via email and found him to be a real class act.
That being said, David's stuff is very strong and depending on the perfomer could be a better choice. But for my style, Johns stuff fits better.
steve proescher
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Buy one of David's and one of John's. You won't be dissapointed with either. You can then decide for yourself. My guess is that you will eventually by the rest of the dvds from both. I think you will learn more that just tricks watching these guys. Their handling and routining are both strong.

Of course, next, you'll save your money for David's books. Some of the items in the books can be found on the vids, but there are plenty of additional gems to be found in the books.
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Profile of Elmsley4
Brainstorm is outstanding. I only own vol 3 and 4 of Premise, Power &Participation, and while I like them, I find John G's effects more suitable to my style. I will add (and people please add your opinion). John G's material seems like very strong alterations/additions/improvements on different effects, while Regal seems to have more that he created on his own. Waht do you guys think?
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Profile of Dirko
Both are great sets. Buy one and atrat saving for the other! Very classy of Mr. Regal to say all those great things about John G also!
Caleb Wiles
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Profile of Caleb Wiles
I'm looking into buying John G's DVD's soon. I have David Regal's Tricks, More Tricks, Enough with the tricks already VHS series. It is AMAZING. Definitely the best series I own. He's entertaining, creative, and a great teacher.
Check out my Main Event project (DVD or Download).

"Magicians, stop what you're doing right now and pick this up!" - John Guastaferro

"Caleb Wiles is the real deal!" - David Williamson

" very highest recommendation." - John Carey
Review King
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John and David are both creative geniuses. There is no Vs.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of griff13
My recomendation would be to try to get both sets of vids. They are both filled with very good usuable effects.

They are two of my favorite sets of dvds. I am still learning effects from both.

Choosing one over the other would sort of be like the old "Who do you like better Ginger or Maryanne?"

If John G. reads this, what excuse do you use to pull out 4 "normal" Queens and Aces from a packet rather than use the ones in the deck for Intuition/Out of Control?
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Profile of JohnG
On 2004-08-30 21:23, griff13 wrote:
If John G. reads this, what excuse do you use to pull out 4 "normal" Queens and Aces from a packet rather than use the ones in the deck for Intuition/Out of Control?

I usually perform "Intuition/Out of the Blue" as a standalone packet trick - or I produce the odd-colored cards from the deck (w/o showing the backs of course). The Piet Forton Popout Move works well. Or simply perform these effects and openly remove the cards from the deck.

FYI-I have a nice 4-card production that works perfectly here that I call "Teeter Totter Aces." You'll likley see it on my next project (many months away though).

John G.
Luke Dancy
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Hi John, I noticed your 'teaser' about another project. Can you tell us if we're looking for more DVD's or perhaps a book/booklet type of thing. I enjoy your work and can't wait to see more.

Your friend in magic,
Luke Dancy
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Profile of JohnG
Hi Luke,

I have not actually started any new project at the point. However, I have been sifting through original effects for possbile inclusion on an upcoming set of notes or DVD set. So, yes I do plan to release new material some time in the future, but have not formally started to do this yet.

Love your DVDs Luke.

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Profile of LordPH
I Like D. Regal (P.P.P) very much, but J. Guastaferro´s Brainstorm is so great!!
Ballet Cut is so nice. BTW. I Use your color change using BC Smile

Lucas Ace

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Profile of evolve629
Anything with David Regal's name on is going to be top notch stuff. I also love John G's Brainstorm DVDs. I'd say get both. However, in terms of the level of difficulty, I'd say John G's material is a little easier if you are between beginner - near intermediate level. David Regal's material will inspire, motivate and entertain you as you move from intermediate to advance. Just my 2 cents.
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Mago Gregorio
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John G Brainstorm is a really greaaaaaaaaaaaat Dvd. Get it and you'll certainly find useful ideas whatever is your level in card magic.
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Profile of andrelimantara
Get both ! No question to that

I love both John G and David Regal materials

Very practical
"Good performance comes from good practice, Great performance comes from the heart - Andre Limantara"