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Profile of FCpreacher
By saying this I am probably inviting everyone to jump my case but I was not impressed by the Korn dvds. I liked a few bits here and there (and by no means found any of it the least bit difficult), but for the most part I don't like the material. Personally, I just don't think it is very good coin magic. Maybe it's not my style?

P.S. Be kind, we are all entitled to our own opinion.

Alex Linian
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I also think these DVD's are good. But the material is not for everyone. Maybe he should have put one or two more tricks in each Volume. Still a good investment though.

Dan Watkins
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I just got this month's Magic Magazine, Mike Close gave them very favorable reviews.
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Justin Craddock
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I find the material on the dvds very useable I love his 3 korn vanish and learned that right away.

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Profile of artofmanipulation
On 2004-03-23 07:15, D Atkinson wrote:
Mmmmm. he never seems to trash the material though. Just admits to finding it hard. Maybe the kid's just crying out for a little help. My opinion is that he was probably manipulated into buying it by a dealer or misinterperated the DVD Blurb online due to his inexperience and youth. traits that manifest themselves all to often in his posts. As someone who works regularly for a dealer I hope the 'later' is the true reason for his post. Don't be too hard on the kid. I have not gotten around to viewing these DVD's yet but my collegues inform me the material ranges from the higher intermediate to Advanced level. Maybe this kid needs to be talked through the best he can get out of his purchase at the level he is currently at, or the best he can get out of magic altogether by the sound of it. I admit this is not the correct forum to be discussing such things in. This kid makes alot of mistakes on this site and he is also quite angry to boot. Since he is a residant of Australia I have taken the liberty of trying to find out who he is. He has not replied to any of my messages in the past 24 hours, although I think this has more to do with his lack of understanding of the system than anything else. I didn't know about the PM service until a few days into it either. I'm sorry if this is slightly off topic but I feel it needs to be said. For your information I am so bothered about this for two reasons. Firstly the kid obviously needs a bit of guidance and secondly, because of an incident that occured in another forum (Since deleted) where his name was connected to mine has made me want to contact the young man in person

Dean Atkinson

A real life display of The Magic Café's motto. MAGICIANS HELPING MAGICIANS. Good job Dean Atkinson, you just made this world a nicer place to live in!
Keith Raygor
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I purchased both DVDs based upon the review by M. Close and a thumbs-up from my dealer. I am in the category of those dissapointed with both DVDs. They'll go in the gouping of products I wish I'd not spent money on.

As advanced as many proclaim Mr. Korn's technique to be (and there are some great moments on the DVDs), there are many tells I noticed as I was watching, which diluted some of the effects for me.

Also, his presentational style is more on the low-key side, which does not entertain me. Though they may be great DVDs to learn moves from - when I'm searching for new material, I'm searching for entertaining material. Some may say it's my job to find the entertainment/presentation, and he's just supplying the material. That may be so, but for my money (and it was), I'd prefer to buy DVDs that have someone proficient in both areas. I found myself saying 'if it's not fun for him or his spectators - why am I spending time watching this?'.

By contrast, the Bill Malone DVDs are material that push me to seek out new sleights, techniques, etc., because I am shown their value and their potential in a real-world way.

I've not seen Mr. Korn perform other than this DVD, so they may be an unfair representation of his perfomance style. But the purpose of the DVDs are instructional, so these are issues that are important to me.
Review King
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Troy Hooser has the same laid back style. They aren't Bill Malone, but they are brilliant Magicians and there is much to be learned from The Korn DVD's.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
Dan Watkins
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I agree, Chris is pretty laid back on these DVDs - the funny thing is when I saw him perform at LVMI 2002, he was the absolute antithesis of laid back.

His performance at LVMI was way over the top and very risque' and his wacky sense of humor really was shown. The room was howling with laughter.

Literally a complete opposite to laid back personality on the DVDs.
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Keith Raygor
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I don't doubt that there is much to be learned from them.
Jason Wethington
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I'll second Dan's thoughts. Chris is over the top and very whacky. I was actually shocked that he is so laid back on the video. Though we don't know how many times in a row he had to do the same effect. I am working on a DVD myself and I can tell you if you have to do something more than once or if you are performing at a time of day you aren't used to then your style can/will be affected.

The material is good. It isn't for everyone. If you don't like three coin sequences stay away. However 'One for the Bar' 'Coppa Silva' and 'The Brutal Deck Switch' are great routines that are not complicated. 'Double Crossed' is a great effect in its own right but more complicated.

Chris can do all the hard stuff. I think the longer you do complicated sleight of hand in front of people your perceptions change as to what gets a good reaction. Generally it isn't the hard stuff. When you are making a living doing this stuff sometimes working smart is better than working hard.

P.S. Troy really is laid back.

Oh just so everyone knows his name is Chris Korn NOT Kris Corn
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Profile of waas
Hi !

I got Troy Hooser and Korn videos.
My opinion on these DVDs...Well...I wasn't thrilled !

I think that there is no "WOW factor", so much happens in every routine ("the coin is here, it disappears...Hop ! It's now here....But wait...NOW it's here..."), the effect has no time to sink in, spectators are smiling at the end, but no "WOW !".
What's more, we're so far away from "test conditions" : coin production are made without showing the hands being empty..etc..
I mean spectators are not stupid, they know that the coin is somehow still in that curled fist..

On the other hand, I DO think that some sleights/Ideas/subtelties are good to learn and add to my repertoire, but I will have to make them fit my style.

Joe Mauro
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Penguin is giving away both Chris Korn DVDS with a $100 order today. I came to find reviews to see if I'd want them. It seems most people didn't care for them.
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Profile of noble1
If you read the thread carefully I think most discriminating guys found these to be excellent and underated.
Joe Mauro
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Awhile ago I saw a performance piece from it at a magic shop that was running it and it looked very boring. Seeing the reviews, many confirmed my own feeling. But, if those that liked them actually do any of the routines, good for them.
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Profile of taller8
Some of the best magic on these DVD's were the brunettes fantastic smile. She casts a spell on me, that's for sure.
It's a nice change from the 'wide open mouth' L & L crowd.

Oh yeah, the magic.......

I thought the DVD's were good. It's real life performance magic. Even if you follow a routine exactly as Mr. Korn does, there are still moves to implement into you own routines.

I can't remember if the DVD's stated this, but it is nice to know what gaffs one may need beforehand.

Not everyone has an arsenal of coins gaffs in their position, but they should. Smile
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Profile of jhostler
Chris's "Brutal Deck Switch" is fairly representative of what made him something of a sensation in St. Louis many moons ago. His approach to misdirection was/is as bold as it gets. (Even back then he was frying folks with objects suddenly appearing in plain sight on the table etc. etc.)

These DVDs are worth a close look.
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Profile of truthteller
1) Judging the impact of an effect from the reaction on a magic dvd belies ignorance or naivety of the highest order.

2) When someone is an expert already (ie has sick skills) it is doubtful they will listen to any advice regardless of the tone or intent behind it.

3). Too many magicians judge an instructional dvd by how well it entertains them. This is why we have methods that are better than effects.

4) If all magicians were willing to develop their own characters and presentations, they would get to see more examples of how tricks are actually performed in real world for real people.
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Profile of markmiller
I, for one, am a fan of both Chris Korn and his DVDs.
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Profile of mumford
Does anyone remember seeing Korn and another magician a few years back on a close-up cable tv series called Macho Magic, maybe it was Mondo Magic? I remember liking it and would love to get a copy.
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Profile of noble1
Both Radical and Extreme have superlative material. The short lived series on A&E was Mondo Magic, the other magician was JB Ben.