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Lonnie Dilan
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Canyon Country, California
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Profile of Lonnie Dilan
Use the vids and the books together. You don't have to go to one extreme. Use them both read a certain move and if you can then check it out on video just to get an idea of what it looks like. Most people find certain ways to make the moves and effects fit their styles anyway.

It's really no different from reading a move and then asking another person to show it to you. The other person is going to do the trick/sleight a certain way...just like if you were to watch a video. Never limit yourself. Reading an effect is not as hard as it seems. So what if you have to read it 20 times to get all the details into your head!!! Buck up!

If you can read and write then you can learn from a magic book. That is the plain truth.

I don't want to hear this **** about not reading, there is a difference between not being able to read and being afraid to read. I think most of the people who use that excuse are just afraid of the HARD WORK.

Reading is slow and sometimes you have to refer to different books because there are certain sleights that are required, but are not explained in the book that you started reading. This is a good thing!! It makes you do some research and in the big picture you are actually learning more things.
Review King
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Review King
I think Lonnie Dilan has words of wisdom for us no book guys/gals!!

Thanks Lonnie!!!
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of Welshwizard
People who only buy videos and DVDs are fools, plain and simple. What a sad state magic is in.
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Profile of marko
Uh-oh, looks like this is going to turn into another pointless debate. And I may have unintentionally started it. Like I said, I don't care what learning tools other magicians invest their money in, it's their money and it's none of my concern. It's just that there are beginners who sometimes don't realize what they're doing is severly limiting their learning of magic as well as directly impeding on their knowledge. For them I offer such advice, and it is hopefully taken. If the advice is not taken though, it is of no concern to me and should not be of any concern to anyone other than the individual themself. And now I will actually shut up.
Thought: Why does man kill? He kills for food. And not only food: frequently there must be a beverage.
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Profile of Welshwizard
'And now I will actually shut up.'

Hoorah! At last!

Only joking of course. I simply find it stupid that some magicians learn solely from videos and DVDs. There are so many gems in books.
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North East Tennessee
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Profile of magicbyswh
What will the video cost OZ ?
Creator of Cereal Brainwave, Creator of the Tossed out Book
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North Carolina
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Profile of FZandura
Penguin will be selling it for $30.
F. Zandura
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Profile of blitzchampion
When will it be out anyway ? What about the new demo ?
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Profile of Mistro
Oz keeps saying it will be out in a couple of weeks. I don't know when it's actually going to come out but I think it will be soon. As for the new demo, I haven't heard anything about it.