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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Sleight Of Hand With Coins by Jay Sankey (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Cameron Francis
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Rev. Coin Magic 2 will be out around the holidays, I believe.
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now!
THEGUY26 (Will Swanson)
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Inner circle
Minnesota, USA
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Profile of THEGUY26 (Will Swanson)
Yeah, that will be a great DVD, and with better quality! I hope he will use the same type of humer as he did in the first one.
in flames
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Inner circle
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Why no content listing. Whats there to hide?
Review King
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Eternal Order
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On 2007-09-25 11:34, rubadubdub wrote:
Ask Mister Kavanagh

Shhhh. You were sworn to secrecy!
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
There is content listing and a preview vid on his website.
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now!
in flames
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Inner circle
1030 Posts

Profile of in flames
On 2007-09-27 14:20, Cameron Francis wrote:
There is content listing and a preview vid on his website.

Thanks Cameron!

Jays coin magic is as good as anyones. Definite buy.
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Inner circle
Northern Nevada
5841 Posts

Profile of MagicSanta
Title: Jay Sankeys Sleight Of Hand Secrets with Coins
Medium: DVD
Arena: close up, coins
Available: Any shop, distributed by Murphys Magic Supplies

I have not seen everything Sankey has put out and with is reputation for re-releasing material this may have come out before. If it has I don’t have any knowledge of it but because of the way it was shot and the general style I believe it is new. From a production quality level this is the best I’ve seen from Sankey. High grade cameras were used and the material is well shot from different angles. There is no speaking on the DVD just a jazzy type of music which isn’t terrible, the music that is not the lack of speaking. I’ve complained before about Jay not putting enough into production and I’m happy to see it seems to have changed and I hope he sticks to this level of quality, nicely done over all.

The DVD is, obviously, about coin magic. It contains a mix of 24 sleights and 17 effects though the numbers don’t add up because some of the sleights are incorporated into what he presents as effects. That is fine though. To be honest this is a very nice collection of usable sleights and Jay certainly does an excellent job performing them. I like that these are not specialty sleights as found on many DVDs but are ones you will use in performing some of the classics found in various books. Jay does the classics with a bit of his own style and often the sleights are improved with his handling. For content and his abilities I was impressed and feel that I was able to improve my fairly sub standard coin handling. While the advanced coin guy may not gain a lot from this product the hobbyist and those wanting to improve their abilities will.

Now for the other side of the coin. This is another of Jays attempt at producing an ‘International DVD’. By this I mean he demonstrates everything silently with the idea that people who don’t speak English will get the same benefit as those who do speak English. That is a wonderful warm and fuzzy sentiment, one problem, the bulk of the purchasers are English speakers and many of those that are not likely do not feel slighted. His attempt at reaching the tribal people in Mongolia results in a reduced level of instruction. Nuances are not addressed that are not displayed in just demonstrating the moves, the flow is disrupted in order to emphasis certain aspects, and the proper names and bits of history are lost. I think this is a significant problem and it takes what could have been a ten and reduces it to a seven. If I see a DVD produced in France I would rather hear the presenter do his routine in French than not at all so that the rhythm is there and I can still recognize the name of a sleight. Rather than removing the verbal instruction he should have just gave more consideration to the demonstration angles and then gone over important aspects afterward.

While this DVD would have been much improved with the verbal instruction it is still a really well made video on coin sleights. The quality is great, the material solid, the visual instruction is very good but you have to work through the emphasis Jay makes due to the lack of speaking which isn’t always clear. The lack of speaking also causes problems in the rhythm. I don’t think these are deal killers in this case because the positives are so positive. I think this is one of Jays best productions from a filming and content standpoint and it could have been so much better. If you are interested in coin sleights this is a really good source and I know I’ll be going back to it until I am a coin guy.