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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Best & Worst L&L Publishing DVD sets (12 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of ixnay66
A lot of people are putting out DVDs with only one trick on them but if the trick is super strong I don't have a problem with that. Case in point is Prohibition and even Nate Kranzo's Box Monster. Those were money well spent for me.
Review King
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On 2007-03-06 17:58, ixnay66 wrote:
A lot of people are putting out DVDs with only one trick on them but if the trick is super strong I don't have a problem with that. Case in point is Prohibition and even Nate Kranzo's Box Monster. Those were money well spent for me.

Prohibition and Box Monster rocked the house!!
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Profile of korttihai_82
Too many good ones to mention but worst for me have been Harry Allen and Petrick and Mia´s series. I can get dealer demos otherwere as well. Also Flips serie sadly was ZZZZZZZzzzzz.....
the AuditOrr
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On 2007-03-06 12:42, Mark Ennis wrote:
On 2007-03-05 11:06, Fraser Orr-Brown wrote:
You know, I loved the performance... however I didn't find the tricks that useful in Tommy Wonder's DVDs. There were a couple I can use but just not that great.

I don't know... Maybe I'm judging too hard.


I probably won't perform any of Tommy Wonder's items, but these are by far my favorite of the DVD's from L&L and probably amongst my favorite DVDs in general. I absolutely love watching these DVDs.

I don't think you are judging too hard if you are basing the value of the DVDs on the material you can incorporate into your act. I think you like the DVDs but found them to be for entertainment puposes for you rather than offering material that is practical for you to perform. Nothing wrong with that.

Yeah. I'd say that's probably it. I loved his performance. I think Tommy Wonder is great... just the stuff you need in a fair few tricks. I definitely enjoy the entertainment value of the effect though!

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Jeff Corn
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I often say that the Tommy Wonder videos are the best set of DVDs every produced. Not really for the tricks, but the psychology taught. His skills of misdirection are priceless. Not to mention his ability to win over the crowd.

My least favorite through L&L is something that's really hard to decide on. I'm not a big fan of Jeff Sheridan, but I know others are.
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Review King
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I've come to realize that they are Magicians and some may not come off well on camera. Since we want to be entertained, we also judge on that factor.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
in flames
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On 2007-03-06 17:26, Christopher Kavanagh wrote:
A long time ago I said L&L should just use show girls in the audience. seems they are using a lot of very pretty girls lately and...the complts about bad audiences in shoots has dried up.

True lol.

I fell in love with the girl in the Al Schneider DVDs (which I forgot to add as one of my all time favorite sets from LL). I'm sure those who own this set knows the girl I'm talking about Smile I wonder how Al kept so focused!
in flames
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On 2007-03-08 12:36, Jeff Corn wrote:
I'm not a big fan of Jeff Sheridan, but I know others are.

I only have Volume 2: Card Manipulation. From just viewing that volume, I wasn't a big fan either. Jeff fidgets and sniffled a lot. Hmmm
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Profile of elbruno
The World's Greatest Magic DVDs that L&L has been releasing lately are generally super...they feature the best (or what they consider the best) tricks within various topics. If you don't like one of the performers or the particular effect, there is certainly something that will float your boat! All of the performers listed above (and then some) are on these DVDs.

And they're priced at less than $20.00 each!
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Profile of akumasan42
I really enjoyed Jay Sankey's L&L set, a lot of strong magic, actually performed for a (somewhat) real audience.

Joshua Jay's Close Up, Up Close set is also an incredible set and highly recommended.

And I like Jon Cooke (curly haired guy) although much more when he's on good behaviour. David (the "other" L&L guy) just seems irritating, almost fighting against the performer (Tommy Wonder especially)
Adam Paul
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Best - Bill Malone. Great magic from one of the best.

Worse - Harry Allen. Can't really imagine why L&L released these. Utter garbage.
the AuditOrr
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Was Harry Allen's DVD's the ones that had "Magician's Poker" in them? Cause I saw that on the world's greatest magic performances #3 and I loved it!! Hardcore loved it! I havn't seen any other stuff by Harry Allen though.
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Profile of solidoak
Recent Favorites - "Miracles for Mortals" by Geoff Williams (Can't remember if its L&L but it is great) and John Mendoza's "My Best"

Recent Disappointments - The Magic of Steve Dacri - I know he's been more entertaining than he appeared here. This wasn't nearly what I expected.
in flames
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I believe "Miracles for Mortals" by Geoff Williams was released by Koz.
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Profile of michaelmystic2003
To revive an old topic, I would love to whole-heartedly disagree with the topic poster.

Nothing by Max Maven was, by FAR, one of the best DVDs I have seen in a while. The teaching is as extensive as I've ever seen, and Max spends a good 5 minutes on each effect disussing history, credtis, etc with Eugene Burger among others. And the routines were, in my opinion, solid gold. I will surely be using this.
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Profile of toomuchmagic
Its not my favorite, but you can't put down Nothing, because it wasnt useful to you (i.e. you wont learn any of the neat tricks) It is chock full of awesome information, and maven did exactly as he set out to do, above and beyond if you ask me.

My favorites are both david regal sets.

Least favorite is easily Harry Allen. It was like an example of how to be not funny and be rude to an audience, along with it being more like a dealer demo than an instructional video.
Andi Peters
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Favourite set - Mark Leveridge

Lease favourite set - Anything with Michael Ammar's laugh
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Profile of zombieboy
On 2007-03-08 13:31, in flames wrote:
On 2007-03-08 12:36, Jeff Corn wrote:
I'm not a big fan of Jeff Sheridan, but I know others are.

I only have Volume 2: Card Manipulation. From just viewing that volume, I wasn't a big fan either. Jeff fidgets and sniffled a lot. Hmmm

I believe he had a cold during the filming of these DVDs, so the shoot must have been a struggle.

español jeff
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I know this is an older thread...but...

My favorites: Visions of Wonder and On The Loose.

My biggest problem is the audience. For me, they're a real turn off. I mean how many times can you see Three Card Monte and react like it's the first time you've ever seen it? I don't quite buy that these are genuine reactions.

I'd rather see an "uneducated" audience or the magicians performing for the camera. After all, most folks here are able to judge quality for ourselves.

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Jeff, I think sometimes they also take on the function of cheerleaders for the magicians!
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