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Profile of BrianMillerMagic
My favorite bill switch routine was on a Sankey Magic product but was actually Richard Sanders in the Sankey/Sanders Sessions. The routine is Sanders' Moving Day, where a tear travels from one side of the bill to the other. It sounds boring textually but if you've seen it you'll know what I mean. Visually stunning and a great application of the bill switch.
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
"Travelling Expenses" is a great little trick and I'm sure will be included on the dvd as he is supposedly putting all of his previous routines on there.
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in flames
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On 2007-01-21 08:33, joseph wrote:
So, no reviews?... Smile ..

Isn't this being released February 1st?

I'd save my $$$ and buy the Book Switch.
Joshua Barrett
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On 2007-01-23 15:05, magicinsight wrote:
I do not recall which Sankey DVD it was, but I remember seeing him perform/explain a version of the bill switch using a piece of paper with punched holes in it rather than a dollar bill where the holes moved. It was a very good effect and routine.


that's traveling expenses, it can also be found in the Switch! book
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
Yeah, I believe Sankey was one of the major contributors to the Switch! book.
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Profile of akumasan42
I love Travelling Expenses, but another great one is Fan Mail, from the Front Row Sankey DVD. This is a switch of your signature and a spectators, and is a seemingly ideal restaurant opener. But maybe this DVD will finally get the bill switch out of his system, and we won't have to see it ever, ever again!

Not it?
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Profile of BrianMillerMagic
On 2007-01-26 11:26, akumasan42 wrote:
But maybe this DVD will finally get the bill switch out of his system, and we won't have to see it ever, ever again!

Not it?

Not likely.

I'd like to add that I just received the Sankey Magic email newsletter of the month (which is actually a very good newsletter that I enjoy reading) and it looks as though there are some good things to expect from Sankey in the near future, which is a nice change. Also I'm trying to remain open minded about this new bill switch dvd. His newsletter lists some of the ideas behind select routines from the dvd and some of them are actually very good ideas. Perhaps some reviews will come out sometime soon.
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Profile of bg
I think the bill switch is one of the best tricks in close up. I thought the Darwin DVD's were only ok and ended up selling on ebay, so I'm looking forward to this one. I just ordered so I'll post a review when it arrives.

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Profile of davidpaul$
Purchased this DVD yesterday. Let me start out by saying I perform the "bill switch" weekly and have been doing it for years. I LEARNED some things from this DVD. Some routines were offered that I never thought of. In the beginning of the video he goes over evrything as it pertains to; what type of TT to use, the exact folding of the paper, handling etc. ( Lots of tips ) no pun intended.

I was a little skeptical about buying this DVD, because as I said I've been doing this for years, and I wondered about some of the familiar complaints in regards to some previous offerings. I'm glad I purchased it and was pleased. Got lots of ideas and yes, I even got some tips on improving my handling. That surprised me,
but just goes to show me there is always room for improvement.
I give it a TT UP
David Paul
Guilt will betray you before technique betrays you!
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
I just received this too and have only glanced at some of the contents but it is very good. Jay has always had excellent, off beat ideas for the bill switch and most of his best are on this dvd. Plus a few others I had never seen before.
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Profile of Markymark
Am I the only one [someone is going to post 'yes'!] but...putting a picture of the
TT on the cover of the dvd show's ..I dunno..a lack of respect or something.
I for one hope these don't sell very well for him!
''In memory of a once fluid man,crammed and distorted by the classical mess'' -Bruce Lee
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Profile of davidpaul$
On 2007-02-10 10:11, Markymark wrote:
Am I the only one [someone is going to post 'yes'!] but...putting a picture of the
TT on the cover of the dvd show's ..I dunno..a lack of respect or something.
I for one hope these don't sell very well for him!

I agree, I thought the same thing as you, as far as putting the TT on the cover.
Sure, magicians are the target for the marketing of this, but still I would have rather seen a morph of a piece of paper into a bill in mid morph. Exposure regardless of how minor or by who is doing it still is disrespectful to those who really treasure our art. I'm not saying Jay doesn't respect the art, I just think he could have chosen a better advertisement for the cover. IMO
Guilt will betray you before technique betrays you!
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
I thought the same thing for a moment. But then I thought about it like this. If a lay person walks into a magic shop, there might be a TT under the glass or behind the counter in plain sight. So they might know about TTs. What do most lay people think TTs are for? Vanishing silks or cigarrettes (which is why I will never vanish a silk with a TT). They really don't know about all the possibilities for the device.

That said, they see the dvd sitting on the shelf. The dvd is called "Hundred Dollar Miracles". It shows a picture of a TT. If a lay person in a magic shop were to look at that cover, what would they think? "Hey, is that one of those plastic thumbs or a real thumb?" and "What are the miracles?" They aren't going to know that the dvd contains routines using the bill switch. They aren't going to know what the TT is for.

While it wouldn't be the image I would have used, I don't think it's going to hurt any of us.
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Profile of korttihai_82
This might be little off topic but if you know how to handle a TT you could show what it is to laymen and put it to your pocket and immediately do billswitch or vanishing cigarette or anything like that and they propaply wouldnt have a clue how you did it. Laymen just cant figure out all the possibilities what can be done with TT by them selves. if you want more concrete example just take TT of your thump after switch to finger palm so they see your thumps. They are fryed! Laymen cant seem to think outside box when it comes to magic. Hell, most magicians cant even do that. Just think Doc Eason/steve Spill bill in lemon. All the cry when it was published... "but he didn't have TT" Well, those who know the routine know what I am heading into with this...
The main point is, even if they know TT, they don't know how many things it can be used to.
Cameron Francis
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Profile of evolve629
The demo video demonstrates the power of TT. It's cool to see Jay switches 5 different effects consecutively in one setting.
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Profile of gaddy
I think the dvd, while not groundbreaking, is very much worth the investment for anyone who does not know anything besides the basic bill switch effect. Some of the applications Jay Sankey has developed are simply great.

You WILL find something worth incorporating into your repertoire, the effects range from throw-away comic bits to near-impossible seeming card tricks to serious mentalism. What's not to like?

I give this disk an 7.5 out of 10. It would have been a bit higher, but sometimes I find his performances a little hard to watch... Smile
*due to the editorial policies here, words on this site attributed to me cannot necessarily be held to be my own.*
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
I agree with that. There are about 30 routines on this disc. And if you like the $100 Switch, then there will be at least a few items that fit your style. He pretty much put all of his classic switch routines on this dvd with the exception of maybe one or two that I can think of.
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Review King
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Profile of Review King
IIs anyone using any of thre effects from this DVD? I'm sure there are a couples.
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the saddest are, "It might have been"

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Profile of ixnay66
On 2007-01-26 11:26, akumasan42 wrote:
I love Travelling Expenses, but another great one is Fan Mail, from the Front Row Sankey DVD. This is a switch of your signature and a spectators, and is a seemingly ideal restaurant opener. But maybe this DVD will finally get the bill switch out of his system, and we won't have to see it ever, ever again!

Not it?

Sankey comes up with very interesting ideas and plots using the bill switch when most people are just working on a different way to change a $1 into a $100. His Fan Mail routine was thinking outside of the box at its best. He also has many other ideas that are very good. So I can't help but chuckle when I see people complaining about Sankey working on an old trick and finding fresh, new ideas for it. We're lucky he likes it enough to keep working on it. Luckily for the people who CONSTANTLY complain about Jay Sankey, there are plenty of other people putting out tricks on DVD, usually only ONE trick on a $30 DVD. So rather then playing the same old song, ie: "Why does he put out so many DVDs, he's greedy, blah, blah, blah", don't buy his stuff. I for one think he's a great thinker and he's constantly coming up with good, practical, commercial workhorse magic that fools laymen. for your arguments. Yeah, we get it. We understood it last time. And the time before that. And the time before that. And the time before that.