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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: "Who's Afraid of the Invisible Thread?" by LeClair...Your thoughts? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of paladin1
I have the LeClair tape and think it's a great way to get your feet wet. Hope to pick up the book sometime.
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Profile of paisa23
Just to see how everyone is doing with this. Ill bump it. Also I'm looking for a stronger more resistance thread. I have the Spool that I bought from Craig Dickson a while about 2 years ago, and its still more then ill ever need but I was looking for something a bit stronger. not elastic but stronger. Any ideas or links would be great. Other then that I really like the LeClair hook up.
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Profile of bobn3
There is a 2 vol. DVD set out on loops by Finn Jon (the inventor) and Mesika that Stevens Magic has. This would be hard to beat.

Bob Phillips
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Profile of paisa23
No I know about those and am planning for that later, but I'm talking about just regular IT. Not elastics. I like having backups
Review King
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Loops are different then the LeClair hookup.

Shimshi's DVD( he was the stand out performer on Mondo Magic ) Magic Up-Close by Shimshi is an incredible DVD and he uses the LeClair hookup.

Mad Hatter has it. Go here to view a clip:
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of paisa23
Chris get out of my head bro. LOL ive had that DVD for a few months now (SHimshi), and I am working on the routine, but the Thread I got from Dicksons site works good but I tend to snap it more often then not and I'm have an issue with the around the back and back around portion. So I was wondering if there are other options.
Paul Rathbun
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I have the book and although I am not all the way through it I already think it is great. I feel it is much easier to learn IT from a book than a video.

My two cent.

Andy the cardician
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Profile of Andy the cardician
On 2006-10-25 00:02, smitty wrote:
Just wondering, if one has the Ammar DVD series on Thread work, is the LeClair DVD still a valuable purchase? I'm new to this, so just looking for direction. I figure if Ammar covers everything Jon does, then I only need Ammar's set.

I'm also wondering, does anyone know if the LOOPS dvd project from Justin, Nathan and Daniel is still in the works? I've just read the sad news that Justin is leaving magic, so didn't know the situation on this new LOOPS DVD.

I'm ALL ears for any advice, suggestions, tips on IT work.


IMHO, the Ammar series is more than enough to get you going. I have both and I personally lprefer Ammar's teaching.

My experience with IT so far is, that it is a highly personalized thing. Meaning that you need to develop your own take of it to match your body language and so forth. No DVD can do that for you.
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Profile of Acecardician
Someone has this for sale in the DVD's and Video's for sale section.
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Any thoughts on my last statement?
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Reviewer EndersGame
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Does LeClair's video only deal with elastic thread, or is the LeClair hookup also possible with regular thread?
Bill Beach
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The LeClair hook-up uses regular IT, not elastic thread. Highly recommended!!
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Profile of Lseeyou
John leClair DVD is about invisible thread but covers only his hookup.
Ammar volumes are the Encyclopedia of thread, covers many hookups etc...
The DVD about thread that I love is Magic Up-Close by Shimshi - covers leClair hookup and great effects and includes bonus tips. He works in real environments and I highly recommend this one.

It's only my opinion.

All the best
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Reviewer EndersGame
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Profile of EndersGame
The LeClair video uses thread harvested from pantyhose/tights - I thought that LeClair makes a point of saying that he likes the thread to have some elasticity? (presumably, unlike regular I.T.?) Is the thread he uses perhaps more elastic than regular thread (= wooly nylon), but less elastic than elastic thread?
Bill Beach
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I use wooly nylon for the LeClair hookup and find that it has a slight bit of stretch, or elasticiy, before reaching the breaking point. Not much, but enough to give you a little warning before breaking. I think that just that little bit of stretch is what Jon is referring to.
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Profile of Lseeyou
Anyone has Shimshi thread that he sells?
I bought it and I never saw a non elastic thread like this - Thinnest strong and VERY invisible (not shiny) thread I got my hands on. The best I found in some 10 years of magic.

I highly recommend it if you wanna take it for a try.

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Profile of thurstonlives
The video is really good.

I bought it on VHS then I rebought it on DVD.

Can be found different kinds of effects and that's pretty insteresting.
One thin I never understood is why its called LeClair's hook since it is to much similar to me than the hook used by Kaps on his floating cork but Kaps used the mouth instead the ear.

Is interesting how this can be an appreciative change to rename something, anyway Kaps cork was not created by Kaps but he mastered it as nobody.

Innteresting how the things get the names pretty confusing as the Himber ring for example, Kaps cork, Leclairs Hook and the list goes on.

For me was a discovering that Jennings didn't create the hanging coins as was Ramsay who did it, I had my own handling on this and I never have said nothing but Jenning 's hanging coins on my way.
Review King
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Profile of Review King
On 2008-03-23 00:23, thurstonlives wrote:
The video is really good.

I bought it on VHS then I rebought it on DVD.

Can be found different kinds of effects and that's pretty insteresting.
One thin I never understood is why its called LeClair's hook since it is to much similar to me than the hook used by Kaps on his floating cork but Kaps used the mouth instead the ear.

Is interesting how this can be an appreciative change to rename something, anyway Kaps cork was not created by Kaps but he mastered it as nobody.

Innteresting how the things get the names pretty confusing as the Himber ring for example, Kaps cork, Leclairs Hook and the list goes on.

For me was a discovering that Jennings didn't create the hanging coins as was Ramsay who did it, I had my own handling on this and I never have said nothing but Jenning 's hanging coins on my way.

Well, it's all related to anna, panna, canna. But, your succinct post addressed that.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
Nick Sand
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I love it, but I prefer his book The art of invisible thread. Much more content there and very easy to follow. I use this hook up more than any other. Get the book its worth every penny.
Real Name: Nicholas Scott Sanderfer. Live in Erlanger Kentucy
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Profile of mrmuji
On 2010-05-20 13:00, Nicholas Sanderfer wrote:
I love it, but I prefer his book The art of invisible thread. Much more content there and very easy to follow. I use this hook up more than any other. Get the book its worth every penny.

Is the book still available?
Best Regards,
