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Review King
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Rikbrooks, you made some darn good points.

Have you looked at the bonus tricks included? I'm curious what you think of those.

"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
Cameron Francis
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Are there written instructions included for these extra tricks?
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now!
Review King
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On 2006-08-09 11:18, cfrancis wrote:
Are there written instructions included for these extra tricks?

Yes, there are. I don't know how good the effects are. I'll try to look at them today ( It takes me a long time to get through written instructions, whcih has made me a better magician. I think if you struggle to learn, it means more to you).

"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of davidpaul$
Thank you rikbrooks. RIGHT ON! Even some audience management insight would have been helpfull instead we hear "Do the move at the right time" next question.
I'm glad at least one person got something from the DVD. Maybe others will too.
I guess it depends on your own level of experience in this area.
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Review King
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I think the problem Jay will run into selling this/getting endorsement reviews is the title: The Art of Sleight of Hand.

It's Magicians, some know, some unknown, saying what their favorite sleight is, etc. But, ti doesn't come near what the title suggests. Hence, the bonus tricks with gaffs. Plus, I beleive the bonus material are previous marketed effects.

I've enjoyed it as something interesting to watch, but folks are not going to readily be plunking down $25.

I'm going to look at the bonus tricks right now.

"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of rikbrooks
I'll look at the bonus tricks tonight. I was so angry that I felt that I couldn't give the bonus tricks a fair review. I'm calmed down now. I just felt that he advertised one thing and came across with another.

I tell you what, I'll be careful in the future buying from him and will wait for reviews, etc. In other words, this DVD hurt his reputation with me. I don't trust him quite as much.

By the way, without the extra tricks, I would say that the title should be changed to be less deceptive and the price dropped to about half what it is. Then I'd give it a very favorable review.

Even if his tricks are great - I didn't buy the DVD for those tricks. I wanted to hear him and others teaching sleight of hand.

but that ain't gonna happen.
Review King
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On 2006-08-09 15:14, rikbrooks wrote:
I'll look at the bonus tricks tonight. I was so angry that I felt that I couldn't give the bonus tricks a fair review. I'm calmed down now. I just felt that he advertised one thing and came across with another.

I tell you what, I'll be careful in the future buying from him and will wait for reviews, etc. In other words, this DVD hurt his reputation with me. I don't trust him quite as much.

By the way, without the extra tricks, I would say that the title should be changed to be less deceptive and the price dropped to about half what it is. Then I'd give it a very favorable review.

Even if his tricks are great - I didn't buy the DVD for those tricks. I wanted to hear him and others teaching sleight of hand.

but that ain't gonna happen.

Well, I agree with you on the pricing. I think if this was a bonus DVD, then no one would care. But...$25 and a misleading title causes hurt feelings with consumers.

OK, I finally looked at the bonus tricks.

Private Property: this is a previously marketed effect that sells for about $10. It's a mental-ism effect. It comes with gaffs, but you have to rig your card box. It's similar to a Mark Mason effect called " Just Think" which has gotten panned.
I always felt Just Think was well made and did work if you used a post it note and one of those little pencils you use at miniature golf for keeping score. But, many others didn't like it.

Private Property isn't something I'd do, so it did not ad any value to the DVD.

"LOCOMOTION" is a traveling pip effect. You get two gaff cards and a routine. The cards are well made bike cards. It's not something I'd do, but it may be killer in the right hands.

I had fun watching the DVD, but if a friend asked me if he should get it, I'd tell him to pass and spend his money on something else.

I think if Jay had "pre-screened" the DVD with some local Magicians, without them knowing it was Jay asking for input, I think he would have gotten back the type of feedback that would have made him ad more content to the DVD and keep in spirit with its title.

Jay performed his ring and spoon effect, which we've seen on many DVD's from him. I think if he did an effect that he hasn't released and it was the type that made the Magic World go "NO WAY" and scream to learn it, he might have saved the project.

That's what's great about the Café. It can save a lot of heartache if folks can objectively give their thoughts.

I liked seeing Sanders perfom the Alpha Deck and enjoyed the Chop Cup routine.

"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of evolve629
Well, today I received a standard mass emailing from Jay Sankey about the praises he has gotten from fans regarding this DVD -

"Last night, I watched the dvd from start to finish and I was up half the
darn night practicing and thinking! I can't wait to destroy people with
PRIVATE PROPERTY. Unbelievably direct mentalism! And the interviews have
got me rethinking my whole performance philosophy." -Dylan S.

"Just got THE ART OF SLEIGHT-OF-HAND and it delivers the goods. Absolutely
love it. So many amazing insights about magic, all on one dvd. Worth every
penny." -Carey G.

"Just did LOCOMOTION for a few friends last night. They literally freaked
out and the fact that I was able to hand out the card at the end made it a
moment I'm going to remember for a long, long time." -Martin W.

"The two bonus tricks are real magic, they rock, but what I really like
are the interviews. I've already watched the dvd four times and I get new
perspectives on sleight of hand every time! Thanks very much for that!"
Eric D.

"Way too cheap! You should have charged a lot more for this killer
information." -Bryan B.

"I've been doing sleight-of-hand for 6 years and I feel like this dvd is
going to completely change how I approach so much of what I do. Great
advice. All 'real world' stuff. And I can't decided which one I'm going
to try first LOCOMOTION or PRIVATE PROPERTY. They are both amazing!"
-Cyril K.

"Jay, you are right, THE ART OF SLEIGHT-OF-HAND is truly the best deal of
the summer!" -John R.
One hundred percent of the shots you don't take don't go in - Wayne Gretzky
My favorite part is putting the gaffs in the spectators gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside! - Bob Kohler
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Profile of davidpaul$
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Guilt will betray you before technique betrays you!
Review King
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Profile of Review King
On 2006-08-09 21:01, evolve629 wrote:
Well, today I received a standard mass emailing from Jay Sankey about the praises he has gotten from fans regarding this DVD -

"Last night, I watched the dvd from start to finish and I was up half the
darn night practicing and thinking! I can't wait to destroy people with
PRIVATE PROPERTY. Unbelievably direct mentalism! And the interviews have
got me rethinking my whole performance philosophy." -Dylan S.

"Just got THE ART OF SLEIGHT-OF-HAND and it delivers the goods. Absolutely
love it. So many amazing insights about magic, all on one dvd. Worth every
penny." -Carey G.

"Just did LOCOMOTION for a few friends last night. They literally freaked
out and the fact that I was able to hand out the card at the end made it a
moment I'm going to remember for a long, long time." -Martin W.

"The two bonus tricks are real magic, they rock, but what I really like
are the interviews. I've already watched the dvd four times and I get new
perspectives on sleight of hand every time! Thanks very much for that!"
Eric D.

"Way too cheap! You should have charged a lot more for this killer
information." -Bryan B.

"I've been doing sleight-of-hand for 6 years and I feel like this dvd is
going to completely change how I approach so much of what I do. Great
advice. All 'real world' stuff. And I can't decided which one I'm going
to try first LOCOMOTION or PRIVATE PROPERTY. They are both amazing!"
-Cyril K.

"Jay, you are right, THE ART OF SLEIGHT-OF-HAND is truly the best deal of
the summer!" -John R.

Jay has switched from Magician to Illusionist;-)

I'm sure Jay has gotten some good mail about the DVD. I just think a lot of Café folks won't share those "over the top" reviews.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of Eva
I haven't seen this, but I am thinking that it is obvious from the number of magicians who were/are interested in this DVD, there is definitely a place in the market for a GOOD sleight of hand DVD.
"Believe it, or believe it not!" ~ Manuel Muerte

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Profile of davidpaul$
Yes Eva, I certainly agree with you. I think those that really care about improving our own abilities no matter how much experience we have is a very good sign. Hope one becomes available in the format discussed in the previos posts.
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Profile of rikbrooks
OK, I looked at the bonus tricks. First of all, I only do a couple of card tricks and my dance card on those is full.

I wasn't impressed by the mentalism trick. I guess it can be played well.

The travelling pip is a quickie trick, the kind that I don't do. You push the pip - it moves - ain't that special?

Ummmm no, what else 'ya got.
Review King
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Profile of Review King
On 2006-08-11 05:40, rikbrooks wrote:
OK, I looked at the bonus tricks. First of all, I only do a couple of card tricks and my dance card on those is full.

I wasn't impressed by the mentalism trick. I guess it can be played well.

The travelling pip is a quickie trick, the kind that I don't do. You push the pip - it moves - ain't that special?

Ummmm no, what else 'ya got.

I agree with you again. I like the "dance card is full"!!!!
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of magicbern
On 2006-08-10 18:34, Eva wrote:
I haven't seen this, but I am thinking that it is obvious from the number of magicians who were/are interested in this DVD, there is definitely a place in the market for a GOOD sleight of hand DVD.

I don't really understand your post. What is your definition of a 'GOOD' sleight of hand DVD? Are you talking about effects or theory? IF its theory, why do we need to learn it from a DVD? Aren't books (such as Ortiz' Strong Magic) already covering this area in depth (albeit subjectively at times)? If its effects, I would think there is a plethora of EXCELLENT DVDs which either cater generally (you've championed the series Commerical Classics by Johnny Thompson yourself!) or specifically (Daryl's Encyclopedia of Card Sleights; Rubenstein and Roth on Coin MAgic; the book-allied DVDs of Royal Road and Modern Coin MAgic).
SO back to my original point...what do you really mean? In my opinion, I think Sankey was breaking new ground - kind of a departure from the usual show-and-tell format of DVDs (towards a more reality-based documentary format)> Whether he succeeded or not is subjective - however, I don't see anyone else trying this before or since.
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Profile of magicbern
On 2006-08-11 05:40, rikbrooks wrote:
OK, I looked at the bonus tricks. First of all, I only do a couple of card tricks and my dance card on those is full.

I wasn't impressed by the mentalism trick. I guess it can be played well.

The travelling pip is a quickie trick, the kind that I don't do. You push the pip - it moves - ain't that special?

Ummmm no, what else 'ya got.

Why the need to be so caustic? Sankey included these as bonuses and not the main draw to entice people to buy the DVD. HE has done that many times in the past - sometimes (as in Three Ring Cirucs) the bonuses are better than the product they were supporting. Perhaps in this case they were not - but I don't think this should negate from the thread discussing the main product - his DVD. I would find it surprising if the main reason people purchase DVDs is for the presence or absence of 'special' bonuses (as you put it so sarcastically).
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Georgetown, South Carolina
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Profile of davidpaul$
A review was asked for and a review was given. The bonus effects were advertised as part of the DVD sooooo....
Guilt will betray you before technique betrays you!
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Profile of magicbern
On 2006-08-12 00:18, davidpaul$ wrote:
A review was asked for and a review was given. The bonus effects were advertised as part of the DVD sooooo....

sooo what??? Why don't you complete your point? I didn't question the fact that a review of the DVD was given. What I questioned was the need to position the two bonus effects as pivotal to the value of the DVD - which I feel they are not.
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Read my post again. I was commenting on the amount of interest there was in this sleight of hand DVD meaning that such a DVD is marketable.

Whether there are already DVDs that deal with sleight of hand, and whether or not you think there should be any more, there is obviously interest in such an item, and therefore it is a marketable idea.

That is all my post says.

As to what I would call a good sleight of hand DVD, it would cover theory and practice and would present sleight of hand moves as building blocks to create your own routines...not necessarily provide the viewer with a lot of routines but provide them with the means to put their own together.

It would cover how, armed with these sleights, a magician can make magic anywhere in everyday situations, and give ideas for seeing opportunities to perform magic. This would include footage of magicians in everyday scenarios (restaurants, bars, offices, etc.) performing sleight of hand magic for strangers.

And if you think we don't need any more books or DVDs, as your post seems to suggest, because everything has already been covered in the works you mention, then simply don't buy any more. But there are many magicians who enjoy watching magic even if it is material that has been covered elsewhere. Just because I learned coin magic from David Stone, does that mean I shouldn't watch Roth's DVDs?

I repeat that I have not seen the Sankey DVD, but the consensus of opinion above and on other sites is that it is NOT "GOOD".
"Believe it, or believe it not!" ~ Manuel Muerte

Cameron Francis
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Tommy Wonder covers a lot of theory and practice in his "Visions of Wonder" videos and in his lecture video simple titled, "The Tommy Wonder Video". I'm sure the Books of Wonder also contain invaluable info but I don't own them so I cannont comment on their content. But there's enough info on those videos to keep one's mind busy for a long, long time.

I love Sankey and was really looking forward to this release as it seemed it would provide some terrific insight into sleight of hand magic. But based on the reviews, it seems the dvd does not live up to its promise. However, if some people get a lot of it, I think that's great.
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now!