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Profile of johnnymystic
Alright, me and a buddy got Healed & Sealed awhile back...for some reason he liked it and I did not...

Well, I changed my mind yesterday as a fatter of mact, I love this trick now!

Since this has been a dead weekend for me (No Show's) I was forced to clean my house and do I recruited the help of my three younger children, they are thirteen, nine and six (ages not names. They have seen every trick in the book and think they know it all.

I had noticed they had left a few empty soda cans just laying around the livingroom. So I set-up Healed & Sealed, called my kids into the room concerning the mess...they thought they were in for a lecture.

I picked up an empty can and performed the trick...they were speechless for a moment and then my six year old say's make more, this I think is the only magic trick he really likes...he loves soda so he appreciates this one. Smile

Buy Healed & Sealed if not for just that one moment of really cool magic!

I drink cheap tequila and vomit
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Profile of jsheas
I think this is the way the trick was intended. The best way I've gotten results was to do exactly what you have done. Unfortunately now your kids will drink more soda knowing you can refill them with magic.
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Profile of Eirik
Smile Nice story Johnny!
As jsheas mentioned, I also think the same way, this is exactly the way Healed and Sealed should be preformed: Seemingly Imprtomptu.
Tim Ellis has great knowlege about Healed and Sealed and what this routine has been through, so check this link out it's a pretty interesting read:

...As long as i`m not a world-champion at anything, the great reactions of doin` magic will do just fine.....
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Profile of weepinwil
I bought it and never used it. However, I thought it was worth the money just to learn the method in case I decide to pick it back up someday and use it.
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Profile of mormonyoyoman
I've used it in performance, where it wasn't presented as an effect. There's always a moment in your show when you need to stop for a drink. That crushed can has been sitting there on a table, along with other crushed cans, for the entire show. I grab a can of Diet Caff-free Coke, discover that it's empty. I discover that ALL the cans are empty! But, being a magician, I realize that I don't need to let this bother me and nonchalantly, *as if it was the most natural thing in the world* I turn time backwards on this can, open and pour it into a glass.

Nobody forgets this routine.

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I dug 5,000 postholes, but I have only
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Profile of mormonyoyoman
Um - I should point out that, in my above post, I meant that I'd bought and used *Healed & Sealed*, the legitimate routine; not the rip-off.

#ShareGoodness #ldsconf

--Grandpa Chet
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Profile of Dingster
I just bought Healed and Sealed and agree with the comments from others about combining. I'm happy with the purchase.
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Profile of sirbrad
Healed and Sealed is much better, stay clear of MM's rip offs.
The great trouble with magicians is the fact that they believe when they have bought a certain trick or piece of apparatus, and know the method or procedure, that they are full-fledged mystifiers. -- Harry Houdini
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Profile of Nash
Healed-and-sealed is a reputation maker... all for under 10 dollars.

You simply can't go wrong with it. I do this routinely behind the bar.
I teach leaders the magic of curiosity and empathetic communication. keynote Speaker | Seattle magician
Anders Moden
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Thanks for all the kind words.

I am really trying to get the DVD of Healed and Sealed done at some point. I thought I had it all ready (the pitch clip has been ready for more than a year!) but then I wanted to get another thing in, and another...

So why this post? Well, I would like to know what you would like to see on a DVD of Healed and Sealed - that is, if you already got the booklet, is there any aspect of it you would like too see more of? The reason I ask is mainly because I would like to get some prioritys instead of all the time wanting to put more and more into it.

You might think that all that is needed is said in the booklet, and yes it is. But apart from what I myself have come up with since then, I have got so much terrific feedback from all over the word that might or might not be valuable to many people.

So, what would be your one preference?:
1. Different ways of gimmicking?
2. Different presentations?
3. Even more "impromptu"?
4. Even more intricate?
5. Other tricks that can connect to H&S?
6. Tips?
7. Keep it short and cheap.
8. Forget it, we can read (not an option Smile)
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Profile of APC
My preferences would be all of the above besides 8...although it is an ok idea Smile
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Profile of Eirik
That sounds like a great idea Anders!
I guess the H&S DVD will work as a more comprehensive addition to the original manuscript?
I'd love to see different variations of the topics you mentioned, especially about different methods of gimmicking the can. Through months of practice and performance I found a way to gimmick the can a way that fits my setting better, and it's rigged completely different than the original set up.
Several things with the preparation of the can, like "the black hole" and the "crushing of the can" parts has a lot of potential..
I'd also like to see how you work H&S into a "seemingly impormptu" situation for a layaudience, your patter and presentation.

Well, the more information you can gather the better, I'd love to see Mr. Tim Ellis' thoughts on H&S, he's a great thinker and he has also helped me with several tips and ideas along the way,
hopefully he'd be happy to help you out on this production with his creative thinking as well Smile

All the best of luck!

...As long as i`m not a world-champion at anything, the great reactions of doin` magic will do just fine.....
Tim Ellis
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Melbourne, Australia
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Profile of Tim Ellis
I appreciate the kind words Erik. I certainly have performed Healed & Sealed so much it's become one of my trademark effects here in Australia, however during our lecture tours Sue-Anne was the one who presented the 'Soda Resurrection' workshop after the lecture. She went through the trick in so much detail it took 20 minutes sometime and, after that, there was no way anyone could mess it up!
Jacob Smith
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Profile of Jacob Smith
A dvd on healed and sealed talk sbout a need for a magic library if this wish comes true ill buy is seconds after it comes out.
Michael Sullivan
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Profile of Michael Sullivan
G'day guys,

Ok I am going to present why I think Healed & Sealed is the only way to go and exactly how I think people should go about learning the effect and in my opinion how to come up with your own or the best presentation.

I being a friend of Tim & Sue-Anne and have seen Tim's routine for Healed & Sealed many many times and I would have to say Tim's routine is very strong and practicle, which I have used find the strong points and what may work for me and what want to come up with a routine that plays well to suit the method and yes I think this is the real hurdle you need to cross if you want to make the effect your own, so first I would go and get yourself a copy of the "24 years of living next door to Ellis" DVD to actualy see a strong presentation in action by someone who has done the effect since Ander's early release, which will very much give you a greater guidance to putting together your own presentation and to make it your own.

Now in my opinion Ander's should produce a DVD because if anyone has seen Tim & Sue-Anne lecture where they teach the effect then they would realise that by far the best way to learn all the real nitty gritty in the method handling is to be shown it and for me this was the best way, so I think a DVD from Anders is a worker.

Anders go for it!

Oh and as far as the Repop junk then I have seen bits and pieces and well you get a method do what you may think is what you may have seen on Bavid Blaine alright, but as far as the best method for the effect with tips & Ideas from magicians that have realy worked the effect and shared these with Anders which he then shares with you in he booklet and hope to see in the DVD then do yourself a favoure and by Healed & Sealed.

Ok guys This is my take on the effect and hope this both steers people in the right direction and aid people make the correct purchase and find the best way I have found to learn and make the effect my own.

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Profile of 1nOnly
Wow, nice paragraph Maggicaussie. I say that because you only used six ending punctuations throughout your entire post. I actually had to read it about three times to understand it fully. And by the way, you make some good points (when it's finally understood, that is). Don't be so conservative with your punctuation, it really does go a long way with being able to better read your posts.

Again, those were good comments you wrote, but it was just difficult to read.

And for the record, I agree with you...healed and sealed is an excellent bang for the buck and includes many minuetae that might easily be overlooked.
Above all, remember this one thing. Don't tell them anything about how it's done. Theym really don't want to know.
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Profile of JackDaniel
Agree! Value post Michael! It would be nice to hear if Mr. Anders Modèn belives that a Healed and Sealed DVD will be released or if it's just happy thoughts.
I'd love to get a estimated release date.

BTW Since we're fishing for ideas to this DVD: How about including a small plastic envelope containing the few props you'll need to prepear this effect any time - any where??

Just a thought Smile

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Tim Ellis
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Melbourne, Australia
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Profile of Tim Ellis
Ah... but the props differ! It depends on where you are in the world, what brand cans you're using, and what brand "props" work best in your country!

Every time we went to the USA or Europe, we'd buy a lot of different "props" and cans and test them all until we found the best ones, and it was different everytime...
Tom Cutts
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Profile of Tom Cutts
Even going to the can is different in the US. Smile
IT Magic
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Profile of IT Magic
Even going to the can is different in the US.

Truer than you may think Tom, your "cans" have a lot more water in them than ours Smile
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I also picture us attacking that world 'cause they just wouldn't expect it