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Curtis, thanks for your reply .. I will experiment with it somemore today. Are you saying I should try to put a smaller bend in the trigger? We will see I suppose, cross your fingers and hopefully I can still cross mine! I would like to add that the dvd and the effect itself are both top notch, I plan to use it as the closer for a party I have scheduled in January. Thanks - Nate
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I fooled with the trigger somemore...and almost lost my fingers, I think perhaps I will buy a new trap and start over. Is it possible that I completly ruined the trigger mechanism? Also, if anyone would like to share the ACCIDENTS with this effect, I'd like to hear them...Nate
Curtis Kam
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The work that you put into the trigger generally is not the cause of the problem. The problem is that when you bend a cheap piece of metal (which this is) one way, some part of it gets bent in some other way. Look closely at the trigger you altered. When you bent the part you wanted to bend, did anything else bend? If so, straighten that out.

Next, never mind setting the trap. Leave the "kill bar" where it is. You can test the effectiveness of any changes you might make by simply putting the release bar in place, and then pulling up on it. Just pretend you're the kill bar, straining against the release bar, eager to bit into plump, juicy phalanges. If you pull up on the release bar and it holds, you've done something right. If you pull up on it and it doesn't hold, at least you haven't snapped your fingers.

It is possible that you got a bad trap, but it's much more likely that something got unintentionally tweaked in the alteration process.

Good luck, and do let us know how things work out. January's closer than you think.
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Curtis, thanks again for the advice and a wonderful effect. I am still working on it and still have all my fingers, and trust me, it feels like the party I've agreed to do is reality it's 1/28/05..but I'll keep everyone updated.. I know I am gonna' kill'em with The Rat Pack...them or me one!!!
Brandon Harper
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I too made the mistake of accidentally altering one part of the trigger while bending the other end. After much trial and error with that trigger, I just bought another trap and started over. The experience gained from the first one, helped me get the second right. I actually have had a couple of close calls with either the trap missing my fingers or just getting a glancing blow.I'm glad I haven't had a full blow to the fingers, but I am sure it is coming.

I have actually performed this effect ~10 times in my shows and have had great reviews of it. The trap has not gone off ~20% of the time and I had to drop the cards on it at the end as Curtis suggests on the DVD. One thing that I have found effective is to use a carrot to set off the trap before performing the effect. It sort of lets them know that it is not a gimmicked trap. I give this effect a 9 out of 10. I would give it 10/10, but I can't move one of my fingers (swollen from the glancing blow) in order to count to 10!! Kudos to Curtis!!
Curtis Kam
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Profile of Curtis Kam
Brandon, thanks for the feedback and review.

It's good to hear that the effect is working for you. BTW, the #1 cause of the trap not going off is the magician being so deft that he actually does swipe the card without disturbing the trap. Often, this is caused by the overwhelming desire not to be hit. Keep at it. Once you've lived through enough performances, you'll begin to get cocky and play with intentionally shoving the deck at the trigger so that the trap is sure to go off. At that point, the percentage of nonfires drops to zero. Unfortunately, the chances of getting snapped also go up very slightly.

You're right, it's essential to have the trap whack the carrot a time or two. I use this as a running gag throughout the act, as described earlier in this thread. Here's a note: to demonstrate how sensitive the trigger is, I like to set up the trap, then just let the carrot roll into the trigger.

Happy Trapping, I hope your good luck continues.

Hey, I just thought of know those signs they put up at construction sites? "100 days without injury"? It would be funny to put one of those up just before you go for the card.
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On 2004-12-30 17:01, Curtis Kam wrote:

Hey, I just thought of know those signs they put up at construction sites? "100 days without injury"? It would be funny to put one of those up just before you go for the card.


Now THAT'S funny!!.


P.S. And, howabout having the sign with a hastily handwritten new altered number ("0"?) on a piece of cardboard held onto the sign with a couple of band-aids and then have the cardboard "accidentally drop off to reveal the former record number being "1"?
Magic is a vanishing Art.

This must not be Kansas anymore, Toto.

Eschew obfuscation.
Larry Davidson
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Curtis, I like that idea, and Mike, I was thinking something very similar. Alternatively, how about this variation -- the sign reads "100 Days Without Injury," and you turn it around to reveal the other side which says, "100 Days Since Last Performed." Oh my God, I'm thinking about variations to this how Marlo got started?
Curtis Kam
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same as you, plus 3 and enough to make
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Profile of Curtis Kam
My gosh, what have we started here? We'll have an act written by lunchtime. It's all good, guys, part of making a gag your own.

Larry, I think you're okay so long as you don't start putting sign gags into privately published, limited distribution "magazines". Smile
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Steve Brooks
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I've been getting quite a few emails and private messages from folks wondering where they can purchase a copy of The Rat Pack on DVD. While we have made that information available many times, I am going to once again list the ONLY AUTHORIZED dealers from whom you may obtain your copy for those of you who are obviously still having trouble. Smile

United States



Morrissey Magic Ltd.




Maxello Co., Ltd.

+ 66 38 710 807


Switzerland - Germany - Austria

Magic Shop

071' 722' 17' 11 (within Switzerland)
0041' 71' 722' 17' 11 (everywhere else)

If you are unable to purchase directly from the above dealers, then you can of course order directly from The Magic Bakery.
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
Steve Landavazo
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The most important and difficult battle undertaken by anyone in the magic industry in my estimation, is to make a DVD that is worthwhile....Though I've never produced one, I am not without the understanding of the complexities and hard work that must be involved...I favor the technicians who have far greater ability than me. As hopeful and as optimistic as we are, as equipped and capable, finding something that someone has put his heart and sole into is rare. In fact, almost impossible.

A magician who is returning to magic after an extended layoff, or someone who is looking for a refreshing view will see wonderful things in Curtis Kam's The Rat Pack. It will extend your precious years in magic with a new appreciation for magic and what goes into producing a quality piece....This DVD demands your attention. I absolutely loved this DVD and can't wait for future Magic Bakery titles produced by Steve Brooks...
Courage is the willingness to be afraid and act anyway!
Steve Brooks
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It has come to my attention that some of you who have purchased the DVD (and live in Europe) are having trouble locating the proper type of rat trap to use.
That said, the following is just one source I was able to find online. They not only carry the exact same trap that Curtis uses on the DVD, but they even take PayPal and ship worldwide. Now how cool is that? Smile

Supplier of Victor Rat Traps
Item# 122203 Victor, Rat Trap, Metal Bait Petal, Shelf Display Carton Weight .36 Lb. - Minimum Order 3...3 For $15 or 12 For $36

Hope this helps. Smile
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
Reed McClintock
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By the looks of things I am thinking many are trigger happy. I had to tinker a few times to get the trigger to work just right, once I got it no problems now, guaranteed everytime.
Reed McClintock
"Stuff is anything, but magic is everything"

Reed McClintock 2003

Steve Brooks
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just saw your post. You're correct, the entire mechanics of these traps is very touchy indeed. They are not built to last - kill the rodent and throw it away (trap and all) is the idea. That said, one may have to tinker several times to get it working in a way that fits you personally. Smile
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
Steve Brooks
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Okay folks, DAVID ACER has posted a review on for those of you who may be interested and do not yet own this exciting DVD!

And for those who are just now reading part of this topic, SHANE over at the Visions website has also posted a review.

Remember, there were only so many discs made and the remaining copies can only be found at the following dealers:

United States



Morrissey Magic Ltd.




Maxello Co., Ltd.

+ 66 38 710 807


Switzerland - Germany - Austria

Magic Shop

071' 722' 17' 11 (within Switzerland)
0041' 71' 722' 17' 11 (everywhere else)

If you are unable to purchase directly from the above dealers, then you can of course order directly from The Magic Bakery as we still have some copies left (while supplies last). Thank you.
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
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Profile of tuffnavyrn
I finally got my Rat Trap DVD a few days ago from and I must say I am thoroughly happy with my purchase. This effect is outstanding! I knew this would be good as I've seen Curtis Kam a few times at the Hale Koa Hotel and some publicity/commercialism gigs at local stores while I was stationed on Oahu, Hawaii and can atest to this man's ability to sock em' right in the thinker. Very gifted performer and am glad he came up with Rat Pack....thank you Curtis!! So, I bought my V's the other day and have been practicing with the trap disarmed and am ready (I hope) to engage the bar and get some b****. For those who have already incorporated this effect how is it playing for your audiences?
"That smart thing that somebody else said".
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Profile of tuffnavyrn
Ok, so I got some b**** and armed the about sweaty palms. I tried about 10 times before I actually nabbed the card and I've only succeeded 3 times as of this post. My nerves are beginning to settle now but I'm still giddy as I've felt the breeze and even a slight kiss or two from the bar but no full-on smack yet. This is insane but very fun practicing!!
"That smart thing that somebody else said".
Curtis Kam
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Profile of Curtis Kam
Brian, thank you for providing the play-by-play. Anyone who has done this can easily recall his "first time". Reading about your experiences brings back the excitement and the fear all over again.

Enjoy it, and remember. While you're afraid, you're careful. It's when you stop being afraid that you stop paying attention.


Is THAT a PALMS OF STEEL 5 Banner I see? YARRRRGH! Please visit The Magic Bakery
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Profile of tuffnavyrn
Curtis....was wondering when performing Rat Trap live have you ever "missed" getting the selection (either wrong selection or no selection at all) and had the trap go off? If so, how do you tackle that performance outcome? A comedic or witty remark maybe? Offer to try again?
"That smart thing that somebody else said".
Christopher Williams
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Can I ask, is the card really in the middle somewhere, or is it on the top or bottom?

Copies of the limited edition 'MindPlay' still available