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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: F/X :: Robot Fabrication (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of RobertBloor
Anyone who has seen PUSH at Disney's Magic KINGDOM (the talking, moving trashcan) will understand what I'm looking for.

I'm considering adding a robot to my entertainment company.

Does anyone know any companies that fabricate robots for strolling entertainment?


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Profile of styck13
I remember several years ago I went to the Nightclu and Bar Convention in Vegas and they had a robot that was designed to travel around the club and greet the patrons (read DRUNKS HAHA can you imagine what someone who'd had a few too many would think when this thing rolls up. hahah..). This is kindof what I remember. This robot was HUGE. He had a small wireless mic system hooked up to a pitch bender wired to a mini guitar amp in the belly so he could talk. It worked like a Giant Radio Controled car. It was REALLY COOL...but REALLY EXPENSIVE. I hope that helps.
Stuart Coyle
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Profile of makeupguy
If you're looking for Robots.. There's a guy here in LA that builds stuff for magicians and is a wiz in the Special Fx Field here in Los Angeles..
His name is Ralis Kahn..

He can build ANYTHING!! and his prices aren't bad at all.

get in touch iwth him at

tell him Michael Mosher sent you..
