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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Tricks & Effects :: Constructo by Thinking Paradox (5 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Columbus, Ohio
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Profile of emyers99
The Penn and Teller clip shows a full performance. Kit comes with everything you need including some extras to customize your gimmicks if needed. There are two gimmicks that are cleverly designed. Hard to say more without revealing the method. Part of the gimmick allows you to show your hand empty before producing the card. The main part of the gimmick allows you to reveal the chosen card. The gimmick shares similarities with Vogt’s Invisible Card but there are also significant differences. Notably, the cards are made of plastic so they are thin and durable. Durability is key given the nature of the gimmick. The tutorial is in Spanish with subtitles but is easy to follow. He goes over the prototypes and history and then walks through the script and handling.

The script walks through the selection process. Essentially a version of equivoque to narrow to the court cards. A few interesting touches which you can see from the P&T performance. The handling is fairly simple. I would say 3 out of 10. The gimmick hides basically in the open and to produce the card, you basically just close and open your hand. You have one gimmick for each hand. Which you use will depend on the card named. You can easily ditch the one you don’t need. The card can’t be examined but the gimmick is very thin and more deceptive than Vogt’s. So it should not arouse any suspicion. Reset is basically instant and pocket space in incredibly minimal. The selection process will fly by any spectator and the visual appearance of the card is startling. And I should mention that you can produce the card before the spectator ever names the value or suit of their card.

Overall, it’s a quality kit. Maybe a tad pricey but it’s definitely a professional routine that should get great reactions. As a working pro, I’m really looking forward to trying it out.
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Profile of Gazoo
1. Do you think the trick is repeatable? Not so much as the reveal at the end, but "equivoque" (I've never heard that term) would seemingly prevent it from being repeated too often.

2. Do you think the reveal gimmick could be used for other tricks?
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Inner circle
Columbus, Ohio
4757 Posts

Profile of emyers99
This is more of a showpiece so it’s not something you would repeat for the same audience. Equivoque is a very old principle that can be done masterfully or horribly. When done well, no one should be the wiser. Here, the equivoque is very minimal and done before several truly free choices. So it will fly by.
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Profile of marcobasi
I would add that
1. it's a beautiful effect and deserves to be admired once by an enlarged audience
2. the mechanics of the gimmick imposes a handling that I prefer to show in a parlour situation