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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Tricks & Effects :: Spooked by The Ultimate Haunted Deck by Nicholas Einhorn (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

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Adam V
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I would assume then that the same problems occur with any effect using this device. I have seen my friend perform this many, many times and because he is always careful of where he performs it he has never been caught. At least never in all the times I've seen him.
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Profile of trainerjep
This is a great effect, especially when the card jumps out 10 feet, spins around, and then flips over, that is when the spectators flip too! Smile
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Hi Guys
I think it is time I made some comment on my version of the haunted deck. Spooked is one of the most startling effects you can perform for a lay audience hands down.
It receieves unbeleievable reactions on a constant basis. As regards to the price.... well it isn't cheap because
a) I don't particularly want everyone and anyone doing it and
b)You not only pay for the material goods but the thinking that went into the routine, the time that I spent ironing out as many creases as possible, the cost of producing the package etc..

Some may say if I don't want everyone doing it then why sell it. Well, the truth is, apart from wanting to spread my name in the industry I know that sooner or later others will start performing it anyway and then nobody would know where it originated from so I wanted to stamp my name on it.

As regards to the comments of PBJones. What can I say? I have performed Spooked 1000's of times in professional performances and yes, occassionaly I get the performing situation wrong (Not often but I would be lying if I said it never happens). I defy anyone who uses T****d to have a 100% success rate, BUT if I thought that performing Spooked was going to damage my reputation then I wouldn't perform it.

I perform it because it has the exact opposite effect *for me*. PBJones says he lives 250 miles outside of London and has heard many stories about me - (apparently all bad because he doesn't sound like a fan of mine does he!)??? Well I work a lot and there is the proof. If people 250 miles away are remembering me and talking about me that is fine by me. I find PBJones' comments quite harsh but to be honest I am not too fussed because I know the truth about Spooked and of my own performing abilities.

You just can't please all of the people all of the time. However I am going off course here.... Hopefully some of you guys will discover the level of fun Spooked can bring to your show. If you are a working magician then you will be repaid many times over. If you think it is too expensive then save your money.


Having read through people's comments I also should mention that as regards to difficulty level of Spooked, the new professionally produced video which accompanies the gimmicks will actually make things very clear indeed, which should make the handling easier to learn than it was from the original manuscript. There are also many tips which were not in the manuscript.

All for now
Jon Allen
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On 2003-05-08 10:17, p.b.jones wrote:
There's a saying you're only as good as your last show and personaly I would not want the bother/likely hood of it bringing my reputation down. Regardless of how much of a hit it was the rest of the time.

So if you ever get caught dong a trick, you will never do it again? You must either be perfect in everything you do all the time, or you have an increasingly small repertoire!

You are right though. In the eyes of the audience, "you're only as good as your last show" Not your individual tricks, but your *show*. Professionalism, appearance, timing, entertainment, magic all go to make up your show. "Spooked" will not get you booked. How you present it, how it fits in with your act, how you interract with people... that is what gets you re-booked.

If anyone on here says they haven't been caught doing any of their tricks then either they are not telling the truth or they haven't been doing the tricks long enough. You can practise all you like but you *are* going to get caught. Even Tiger Woods hits the ball into the water! How you respond to getting caught is what matters. Either shy away from the trick and think it is not for you, or resolve to ask yourself *why* you got caught and to eliminate that from the next show.

For what it's worth, I do "Spooked" and it's incredible.
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Adam V
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I second that 100%
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Profile of rmbrannon
Is it available yet? If so, where can you purchase it?
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Profile of p.b.jones
PB Jones says he lives 250 miles outside of London and has heard many stories about me - (apparently all bad because he doesn't sound like a fan of mine does he!)???

If you read the entire thread you will see that I did not say that I had heard many stories, just the one! Plus the time I saw the ####### at the Mark Leverige Symposium
in Bath. I am neither a fan, nor did I dislike your perfomance. But I like to commment honestly on things, good or bad, as I see them.

"So if you ever get caught doing a trick, you will never do it again? You must either be perfect in everything you do all the time, or you have an increasingly small repertoire!

You are right though. In the eyes of the audience, "you're only as good as your last show" Not your individual tricks, but your *show*. Professionalism, appearance, timing, entertainment, magic all go to make up your show. "Spooked" will not get you booked. How you present it, how it fits in with your act, how you interract with people... that is what gets you re-booked. "

No John I would not drop a trick if I was caught. But I do pick effects which are as reliable as possible for my act.

In the eyes of an audience one effect exposed would bring down the whole act particularly where the exposure the FEATURE effect.

Jon Allen
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I don't want to get too far off topic, but if one effect is exposed, it does not bring down the whole act. If your audience thinks you are incompetent and dislike you becuase you screwed up a trick, there is something wrong in the bigger picture. If the audience only remember the trick they caught, something is seriosuly wrong!

With something like Spooked (Nicely turned around Jon!) you, as a performer, have to weigh up the pros and cons:

Is it worth it to me? $100.00 not very expensive, or very expensive, depending on your own circumstances.

Will I put in the effort to learn it so I can perform it well?

Is it worth learning what to do if I make a mistake?

Will I get value for money out of the trick or will it go on the drawer?

One story of Nick being caught is *not* the same as Nick screwing up the trick.

Bottom line is that "Spooked" is a great trick. The less people that do it the better (Nick, you know what I mean!)

There's nothing else I think I can add without repeating how good the trick is.
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Profile of p.b.jones
I am sorry John. We will have to agree to disagree. Because, in my opinion, if they spot the ######## in spooked, then that's what they will talk about when you leave, and not how good the rest of the stuff was. They might say he was very good but did you see that ######? But I still think that they will think less of you and your performance than if you had done a perfect set.
Chris Gold
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To P.B Jones,

Enough is enough! If you don't like it don't buy it! Jeez, give it a rest!

I couldn't agree with you more, Jon. I bought this effect when it first came out several years ago. I've used it countless times during private engagements and have never been "caught". It's one of the strongest things I do.

Stick with your Svengali Deck, P.B Smile Leave the good magic for the rest of us.

Chris Gold
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Profile of p.b.jones
Hi Chris,
No need to get personal, just because I dislike an item that you like. This forum is for dicussing your views of an item I am entitled to give reasons for my opinion when they are questioned.

I do not know where the Svengeli Deck comes into the equation, but I asssure you that I make a good living from magic for lay audiences and nothing else.
Chris Gold
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I agree with you, P.B. You do have a right to state an opinion, as I'm only stating mine. I think we all understand this effect isn't your cup of tea.

Let's move on....
Chris Gold
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Profile of einhorn
rmbrannon asks if Spooked is available yet.
Hocus Pocus are running a special pre order price as the video will not be ready until mid-late June. If you just want the original manuscript with the new gimmicks then you can buy those from me direct
$65 or £37 post paid otherwise wait until June and contact Hocus Pocus or me.
Please e-mail me for further details.
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Profile of Doomo
I saw Sebastien Clergue do this when he visited the states... It is quite effective...
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Profile of Xiqual
Spooked is a trick to fool laymen not

I think it's silly to care that a magician and his assistant saw the thread.

It's like caring that a magician saw your TT!

I have used Spooked for about 4 years and it is one of the tricks I can depend on to get gasps from specs.

If conditions are not right, I do another trick.

If there is a video included now, BUY IT!!!

Still with the Chinese circus Smile
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Profile of JoJo41
My experience has been that I have used the old "wind-up" haunted deck for years, and occasionally it poops out on me. Sometimes, it is the result of the inept performer (me!) failing to wind the thing.
If for no other reason, I welcomed Einhorn's modification of the effect. And to me the added bonus of being able to hand the deck out afterwards makes it a pretty square deal.
As to the cost, how much magic would any of us own if we really looked at a prop, trick, method, whatever and evaluated its intrinsic worth?
I remember as a kid paying two bucks for a piece of plastic that couldn't have cost a penny to make, but when I slipped that thing over the top of a cola bottle I fooed EVERYBODY with it.
I would have to submit respectfully that the Einhorn method is an excellent value. It fooled me when I saw it, partly I suppose because I was looking for the wind-up gimmick.
That'll learn me!

Adam V
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Ooh, I didn't realise Spooked used ######, I thought it used ###### or maybe even ###### but certainly not ######!
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Steve Hook
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I have it from a good source that actually it actually does <not> use either ###### OR ######.

Now you can rest easy.

Steve H Smile
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Profile of p.b.jones
I agree with you, P.B. You do have a right to state an opinion, as I'm only stating mine. I think we all understand this effect isn't your cup of tea.

I agree with that too. but I still feel that your personal dig

"Stick with your Svengali Deck, P.B Leave the good magic for the rest of us."

Was un-called for I will leave it at that.
Tim Trono
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I had the pleasure of spending some time with Nick at FFFF. A truly great guy and a great magician. I personally saw Nick FRY some of the top names in magic with Spooked. It looks fabulous... period. This looks like REAL magic. I also know many top names who have started USING this item. I don't think these guys are wrong and I know the high standard of material they demand so obviously Spooked falls into this caliber.

Just look at a few of the quotes (these are people I WILL listen to):

"Incredible. Better than the haunted deck ever was!" -– Bill Malone

"Every time I see you perform 'Spooked,' people go crazy!" –- Bob Sheets

"The card jumping out of the deck is the most startling piece of magic I’ve ever seen." –- Jack Avis

"Watching the deck move on the floor as I stood over it added a whole new and amazing dimension to this classic effect." -– Steve Bedwell

"The jumping card is a shocker. Spooked is worth your serious consideration." –- Michael Close

If you don't like an item, as mentioned, why not just pass on it? If you feel it is over priced please pass on it. For many of us, if we can actually USE an item it is worth MANY times the asking price that is called for here.

I don't have a Rolls Royce because I can't afford it but it IS a GREAT car.

This is a fantastic item. Great job Nick!
