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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Time after time :: Double Practice (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of drewer
I have been doing this recently, please tell me what you think:
Video record one of your practice shows/routines. Then audio record another practice show/routine (same show or routine but a second time). Next, mute the video recording, and play the audio recording. See how well they match up.
I use this to see how well I have memorized and practiced the show/routine. (Of course the actual performances will be different due to human interaction)
Thanks, Drew
Mary Mowder
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Profile of Mary Mowder
It sounds like it's working for you. I think watching the video would give you all the info. that your method does but, like I said, it sounds like it's working for you.

- Mary Mowder
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Profile of thethirteensteps
I'm curious about one thing in particular: do you get a different impression of your performance if you watch yourself on video or if you merely hear your performance, or for that matter if you are merely watching without sound. I imagine you'd pick up on different things. You might see awkward moves with the sound off and then notice too many Ums with the video off. It might be an interesting way to hone your work.
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Profile of drewer
Yes, you do notice different things when you listen to the tape and watch the video. I have picked up on a lot of improvements because it lets me focus only on audio (patter) or video (technique).
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Profile of thethirteensteps
I'm definitely going to try this. Thanks!
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Profile of kal
I can understand the idea of being able to focus on the separate elements, although would it not be easier to simply make the video recording?
You can watch that without sound and then turn down the screen settings so the screen is black and simply listen to the audio.

The patter element may be easier for you to determine as a sound without distraction but it's always important to remember patter is just words, and when it comes to communication they have little value in and of themselves. Communication is after all three-quarters body-language and voice tonality.
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Profile of drewer
Well I guess you could do it that way. I just never thought of it. My main point is that they match up if you are going the same pace.