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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Finger/stage manipulation :: Working on a 5-card manipulation routine (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
Geoff Weber
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Inner circle
Washington DC
1387 Posts

Profile of Geoff Weber
My goal was to use a different move for each production:

I start with the 5 cards palmed, then I do the following:

-ken brooks single production, peel off the single card
-perfect production
-grip the cards in a front palm clip, pivot
-Cardini single production
-produce the last two card as one, holding them by opposite corners, turn them over and place the left hand
-Bertram change
-snap change
-acquitment of the hidden card into left tenkai palm as I place the visible card at the left fingertips, (make a magical gesture)
-take the card in the right hand, back facing out... simultaneous execute a backpalm vanish, and a tenkai production to make it look like the card instantly switched hands.
-Benson subtlety to show hands empty, and produce final card at the finger tips.
Geoff Weber
View Profile
Inner circle
Washington DC
1387 Posts

Profile of Geoff Weber
I've come up with a slight modification to snap change to work better in the routine. Now I do it with my left hand under the card as if I'm framing/ presenting it. My left thumb flicks the card back as I snap change. This puts my hand in good position to take the card into tenkai palm for the clean up and it also helps cover the bad angles of snap change.